A Note from the Author

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Hello everyone!

I would like to take the time to thank those who have read, voted, and commented on my story. It is both a pleasure and a pain to write the story of Bash and Adèle. Regardless, I Followed Fires is one of the most favourite stories I've written so far. I would like to apologise for any grammar mistakes or grammatical errors that I've made in this story. I'm not a native English speaker, although I've spoken English my whole life. 

Just like any other story, there will be many things that will surprise and disappoint you as it unfolds. But have no fear, dear reader, for the time of disappointments has come to an end. But the story hasn't ended yet! I've written a lot of happy, romance-filled scenes lately, and there is one particular chapter that I am very excited for you to read. Bash and Adèle's relationship has certainly changed a lot throughout the story, but I can assure you that for now, their relationship is full of rainbows, flowers, kisses and blissful euphoria, all due to the love that has blossomed between these two. 

..do I hear wedding bells in the future? 

For the second time, thank you so much for reading my story. I appreciate every single read, vote, and comment. (Also, please comment if you'd like me to write an epilogue for this story! I'm still contemplating on whether I should or should not write a bonus chapter)

Thank you! X

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