Prologue / Chapter 1.

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The year is 2048 and the world as you once knew it has long perished. Our planet is now an emerged waste land. A solitude prison, leaving us forever confined against our will.

The moon has long fell from our sky, leaving my ancestors with its devastating destruction. Tsunamis washed away every piece of living land, human, and creature. Many life's were departed and us as a human race nearly went extinct.The world turned a deep shade of blue, it's nights became an utterly cold blackout, only the far away stars giving dim light to its sombre surface.

Humans live in the world we call Glass City. The only city newly built on the entire earth. It is below the deep waters, beneath the resting waves in the tight grips of its solitude. Only a mere seven hundred of us made it. The ones that survived. Glass city is only made to hold so many human lives, so reproducing was set at a limit - that's how I was born among the time it was permutable - Human reproduction is now illegal and punishable by death. OR worst imprisonment, and you'd better hope for death. Beneath the floors rest the chambers where even the most un-religious person will cry for God to help them. To show mercy, for death to befall them so they can leave the place of grotesque enslavement. But none are so lucky to escape the bloody hands of the imprisoner.

Our monarch is made of few but it is a powerful enforceable one. One that you will never wish to cross, it is wicked beyond measures, and wraps itself in your anguish, enjoying you're screams of torment. The men that carry out these tortured acts are now the jury they accuse you of your crime and the judge sentences you to your punishment. The jury are called The Prosecutors and the judge is called The Commissioner- he does not have a name- or a face, or at least I've never seen it.

Most men were forced to become sterile, they saved just a few of the most strongest men in case the world dried up and it needed to be re-populated. And just as men most women as well were made barren, they saved only the most beautiful women to keep their wombs. So that if reproduction was needed the human race would be strong and beautifully crafted, created and design to a race they hope one day, will become the super race.

I was among one of the women they consider beautiful, as fortunate as it sounded, it wasn't. I was constantly watched by my personal Prosecutor, he was an over- protector, a possessive man that I was sentenced to abide. I wasn't aloud to be alone with a man, I couldn't even touch a man without my Prosecutors consent. He was with me wherever I went even in the most shameful of places, he never left my side. He was not only my Prosecutor but my protector, whoever so made the wrong move or assaulted me, they would face his consequence. Consequence that surely insisted death.

God so flooded the world. Again.

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