Chapter 19.

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I climb out of the Sea Craft adjusting my dress, it had rode up near my thighs while sitting. Maddox was watching, his eyes trailing my hands at my legs, I didn't have to read his mind to know what he was thinking. I finished preparing myself and stood confidently waiting for his cue to enter through the doors to the City.

"I want to make sure you're going to act like a lady tonight Ms. Brooks, I'm a respectable man and I need a respectable women on my side."

I couldn't believe he was giving me this speech, I wasn't going to act belligerent, who the hell did he think I was?

"I understand, Sir."

He was taken back for a moment his lips curling slightly at the sides.

"I like that, you should call me that more often Ms. Brooks."

"Yes Sir."

I smiled.

His arm slipped behind me, resting at my lower back and leading me forward, my body quivered at his touch. We entered together walking in to face - what I hadn't expected - the lime light. Almost every person we passed had to shake Maddox's hand and bow their head to him. Maybe it was the other way around - I didn't know who he was. Obviously he was very popular among his people, I caught women staring him down as if he was some kind of delicious meal, their eyes darted at me like sharp daggers, judging me from every angle, they didn't like me, and I didn't care. We took a black padded booth near the corner, Maddox undid his button to his jacket and waved me in. We didn't wait long before a waitress met us with some drinks.

"Here is your favorite Mr. Commissioner."

She smiled putting the tray of drinks onto the table in front of us.

"Thank you Lily"

He said smiling back, she lingered a moment as if in a trance before stepping away, leaving us once again alone.

"Why does everyone like you so much?"

I asked, as I watched him take a drink of the clear golden liquor in his glass.

"I don't know if its 'like' Ms. Brooks. 'Fear' maybe more appropriate."

I slightly knew the fear part, I had feared him for along time as well. He has control over the entire city, maybe that was why.

"Precisely, and I harbor more power inside of me than any person in this room."

He had read my thought. I stared admiring him; I couldn't help myself, something about a man who was feared turned me on, and being devilishly handsome helped.

"Do you drink Ms. Brooks?"

He said holding out a full glass.

"Are you kidding?"

I laughed.

"You're brother would have never allowed such a thing."


He asked looking at me in a flirtatious manner.


I repeated.

"Well he didn't sound very fun."

He flashed an all too wicked smile. I took the glass he handed to me and took a drink, as I swallowed the rather large mouth full I choked as it brunt down my throat and into my stomach.


He grabbed the glass out of my hand.

"Take it easy, we don't need you getting sloppy now do we?"

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