Chapter 4.

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I studied myself in the mirror my heart sunk at the women staring back at me. I was beginning to look so much like my mom, she was a very lovely but modest looking women. I had inherited her enchanting green eyes, they were no doubtably my best feature. I had regular dreams about her, about the day they took her away. I hardly gave myself time to think about it, the pain was just to much to bare. My father was shot and killed the day they came to reaped my mother, they had to pry her from his arms, but he didn't let them just take her without a fight. I might look like my mom but, I get the strong will and bravery from my father.

I smiled. I loved them, still do, always will. As a child witnessing such a thing will make you do one of two things: one, be shattered your complete existence or two, fight like hell to make them proud. I was choosing number two and I had a clever plan, it was something I'd been brewing since the age of sixteen. When they took my mom and killed my father, I was chosen to become an Assemblage, then I was issued my Prosecutor - Zander Lawson. He was the age I am now twenty three, we have never been parted since. Well, besides the recent times at nightfall he's been leaving.

He came into focus behind me in the mirror, his rugged face, sharp jawline and those dark eyes. I hated how attractive he was at times. I figured I only found him to be so good looking because I hardly got to see any other men. I swiveled on my toes to face him, his eyes looking grittily tired. He leaned an impressively muscular arm on the bathroom door frame. He seemed rather.. Fatigued, I tried to study him for a moment, there was definitely something different about him this morning.

"Are you drunk Zander Lawson?"

His eyes darkened, and I could have sworn I seem a dangerous glimmer flash within them.

"June. You have no idea what it even means to be drunk."

I just love how I made him exasperated, I found it to be quite funny.

"Don't avoid my question; not this time Lawson. Is that where you're going during the nights, to the bar, have you even slept?"

I'd much rather him tell me that, then know he was off killing and torturing the innocents.

"It doesn't matter."

"It does, your drunk, it matters!"

He was over me in a flash, I didn't realize how incredibly fast Zander Lawson was. He had me around my throat a tight unforgiving grip, it wasn't by all means gentle, the grip was tight enough that it was cutting off my breathing passage. I struggled for air as he leaned me back over the bathroom counter and crushed the back of my head against the mirror. I stayed calm I knew this Lawson well, he was angry but, he'd get over it, one thing I knew for sure, he wouldn't kill me.

I whimpered beneath his strength,the man was unbelievably powerful.

"All this talking back is going to stop, do you understand me?"

I shook my head the best I could in agreement, I would agree to anything as of now in my labored predicament. My face was flush, my lips tingled with pin pricks. He was constricting my vocal cords I couldn't say 'yes' even if I wanted to. My vision was becoming a clouded blur and I looked into his eyes, the man that was my Prosecutor, he was my personal demon.

What has become of me, why do I live like this? Why must I suffer. I was at the hands of a man that's heart was surely as frigid as the ice capsules that form in the chilled winter air. I was deprived of any sort of a normal life, being held against my will. My monarch has taken everything from me, my family, my freedom, my feature and my existence. I hated to be any use to them, what were they going to use me for? A baby mill?

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