Chapter 13.

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I took off - fast, my legs moving quick within their long sprints, my feet pounded the unforgiving pavement. I was focused on one thing; getting as far as I could within the time that I had. Deep down I knew I wasn't going to get away, I remember the tattoo that was cupping my butt cheek. I grimaced, sick bastard. My heart raced the blood through my veins, keeping my legs strong in their stride. Ahead I seen two patrolling Prosecutors, and I knew if I didn't slow to a walk they would know something was up, but I seen a Sea Craft just a half of a mile ahead and I needed to steal it, I knew how to do it too, I study them well and read all about them, it was my only chance to get the hell out of here.

Without notice one of the Prosecutors pulled his gun, I knew I was busted, but I couldn't stop. I had to keep running.

"Stop. Now female!"

The menacing taller of the two Prosecutors yelled.

I didn't. I kept my sprint fast; acting as though I didn't hear him, I knew I was going to get it, I was going to pay for my action - no doubt. I hurried my legs pushing them to go further and quicker, causing the muscles inside them to burn. I turned to look over my shoulder and both men were after me - right on my trail. 'Don't give up June damnit, run!' Telling myself encouragingly. I couldn't stop, not now. The one who was yelling caught up with me, and heaved his heavy body into my back, we both crashed to the ground coming to a hard thud. My great escape was sorely short lived, I felt the other Prosector hold my legs as the on my back pushed my face into the assault.

"Assemblage where the fuck do you think you're going?"

I winced as my cheek was engraved with loose gravel.


I spat, mad as hell.

He pulled out his 'beating stick' from his side and snapped it open, my eyes watched as it grew into a thin whip at the end.

"How dare you speak to me like that Assemblage!"

I felt him raise his baton, it viciously thrashed wildly within his grasp, I shut my eyes, I knew what was coming next. It came down lashing me across my back punishing my skin beneath my shirt. I screamed out in agony, torment riddling my body, I gripped the asphalt as I herd him raise it again. And again. I cried below his weight, praying for the assault to end.

"Get the fuck off of her!"

I herd Lawson.

Then the Prosecutor that was on top of my back got pummeled off and into the ground in front of me, Lawson landed ontop of him ripping off the mans helmet and repeatedly started to drive fists into his face. This was the only time I condoned Lawson's bad behavior - this asshole deserved to get a good ass beating. The other Prosector was quick on his feet to grab Lawson's arms.

"Stop, you're making a fool of yourself!"

"She is my Assemblage. Mine!"

Lawson spit raising off the man thats nose was now, busted into bloody shambles. He rose to his feet stumbling on wobbly legs unfit to hold up his sturdy weight.

"You broke my fucking nose!"

Lawson grabbed me and stood me to my feet, I held onto his arm, my back arching in pain.

"You should be glad I didn't break you're fucking neck! Don't ever let me catch you touching my Assemblage again."

He gave them both a stern look, then picked me up and cradled me in his arms, I nearly melted feeling his immense strength support my body gently. I glanced up into his dark eyes, I could almost make myself out in them, I looked miserable. I felt him walking, I didn't care where but I'm sure it was back to my place - I just needed to get away. Damn, I was so close too.

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