Chapter 18.

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Hearing Maddox Lawson talk was pain staking. He was explaining my race 'The Grey' to me, as interesting as I wanted to make my mind believe it was; I couldn't stop thinking about Zander Lawson and the childish move he pulled this morning. I would fight with myself; trying to hold onto my sanity, I wanted to just lose it the moment I herd he resigned from me. I couldn't wait to get out of this stifling room and find him, have him explain to me what the hell it was he thought he was doing. Why he felt the need to leave his position as my Prosector.

Maddox's deep voice pulled me from my disoriented thoughts.

"Can you tell me what a Lyran is Ms. Brooks?"


I asked confused; damn - I hadn't been paying attention.

"A Lyran."

"Sorry Mr. Lawson, I got lost in translation."

"You mean to say; lost in thought?"

I shifted positions in the leather chair, my legs stuck from the sweat beading beneath them. I was anxious to get out from his stare, wishing the floor would just break apart and I could fall right in.

"A Lyran is what my brother and I are; what we turn into. The reason for our eyes being the way that they are. Zander told me he gave you quite the scare last night?"

"Lyran's? I thought you were part of The Grey?"

"We are Ms. Brooks, The Grey is our tribe, Lyran is our species."

It wasn't that it confused me, I understood - like humans are a tribe and they also have different races within them. But the fact I wasn't told this; is what got me, what species was I apart of? I wasn't sure if I was the only human hybrid alien on this planet. I was battling with who I was - who I had been all along, this was just another road block.

"We're not sure what you are yet, its different than humans, you can be born from one species but end up being a entirely different one. You're powers are what sets you apart - they categorize who you are and what you are capable of."

"And as Lyran's, what are you and Lawson capable of?"

"Murder; once we see red it is hard for us to stop, I'm surprised he didn't kill you last night. My eyes stay the Lyran color and turn normal when angry, however Zander's is opposite."

"I know."

I breathed; accounting last nights actions.

"We are like animals once changed, all we know is instinct and rage. Count you're lucky stars Ms. Brooks. I believe that is why Zander resigned from you."

"I make him angry. I caused the change."

"Yes apparently so."

So he did it to protect me? I really wish he would have thought about discussing this with me. If I would have known; I could have chosen my words much more carefully - instead I was left to deal with some difficult circumstances. Without him.

"I want to speak with him."

"Ms. Brooks he doesn't want to speak with you."

"I don't care."

"And nor do I."

I eyed him from across his desk, he was such a smart-ass, I didn't know how far I could test my luck with this brother but, I was willing to try.

"What's his Assemblages name?"

"It doesn't matter you don't know her, she's new."

"How new?"

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