Chapter 10.

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I shifted uncomfortably; why in the world did this man have to be so damn gorgeous? It couldn't possibly be just me being the only one to think so. I looked on admiring as he pulled a blue dress shirt over his large structured shoulders and taking his time while buttoning it up slowly, his intense yellow eyes occasionally looking up from the daunting task to meet my stare. How could this be happening? All of this information was ridiculous - something I wouldn't ordinarily believe but, well in this case magic was being provided literally right in front of my eyes, so how could I not believe.

"I want to learn - my own magic, if I'm of you're race I must possess the same power as you."

He laughed.

"Whoa, not quite the same as me Ms. Brooks, you see some of us are much stronger than others, I being one of the strongest of our race."

I rested a hand on my hip, not fully impressed quite yet.

"Is that why you have all the control?"

"Of course; hasn't it always worked that way? The strongest will survive type shit."

He had a point I've already gotten an ear full from Zander Lawson about this, it wasn't how I liked it to be but, it was how it was going to be. Period. I smiled having a faint glimmer of hope bellowing within me.

"Am I stronger than you're brother?"

"There's no way I'd assign you a Prosecutor that you'd be stronger than. Think of it this way Ms. Brooks- Zander would be a tiger - you a gazelle. It's rather simple - order and control, OR capture and devour."

I frowned, not fair.

"So how can I do this 'magic'?"

He stood tucking his shirt into his waist band of his blue jeans. He was tall- like his brother, both of them were ridiculously sized men, towering over six foot and solid as steel, no doubt.

"Well, I don't have time today."

He checked the sliver Rolex on his wrist. Then continued.

"Possibly tomorrow; don't hold me to it Ms. Brooks, I'm a busy man."

The door creaked open behind me and I glanced over my shoulder, a beautiful red headed women slowly made her way in - looking rather skimpy, if I were to say so myself. I couldn't help but scowl at him.

"Yeah, busy alright."

I raised my eyebrows in his direction.

"Excuse me Ms. Brooks but, I'm not the type to keep abstinent."

"I can see that."

I started my way toward the door when he stopped me.

"Ms. Brooks."

I faintly turned but kept my direction on the heavy doubled doors.

"And neither is Zander; don't kid yourself."

I stopped, and fully turned so I was facing him - feet away, I could make out on his face that he was proud - as if he was the first to tell me Zander Lawson was having sex. I hadn't given much thought to it but, of course I'm sure he was, maybe that's why he left at night, maybe he had a lover.

"You mean to tell me you're brother isn't into me?"

I smirked: he thought I had some kind of crush on my Prosector.

"Not as much as you're into him Ms. Brooks."

My spine arched and for some reason, I did not like the sound of that, I felt vaguely disappointed - but, I hadn't known why, it wasn't like Lawson ever made a move on me before to make me think he'd liked me.

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