Chatper 9.

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I was back in my room my eyelids lifted and my stomach went into queazy waves. I was trapped - once again. I rotated my view to see Lawson, his large presences nearly flooding the entire room. My mind could not settle - how could it? I witnessed things that would make even the boogyman scratch his head. How was I to act like I never seen the incredible magic used? - I would though. I'd keep my pretty little mouth perfectly closed because, Lawson had something I wanted, my mother.

"When do I get to see her Lawson?"

I asked anxiously, so many years I had it resting in my conscious - that she was dead - gone, that ever seeing her again wasn't impossible, and now that it was - I wanted to know when.


I glared at him - he'd better keep his promise OR-

"-OR what June?"

He leers, those flawless lips of his pulling at the sides into a snicker. I hated him.

"You can read my thoughts too? - how long have you been doing this Zander Lawson?"

"A long time June. A very long time."

"I hate you."

"I already know."

Excusing myself I bent down to pet Simon, he was such a big clumsy creature, tripping over his large paws as he came to me. I laughed - I hadn't know how funny a creature was until I met this one called a dog, he had so much human expression - his eyes lighting up as I stroked his corse, but soft fur. Unlike fish Simon listened, he could hear my words and it was almost like he understood them, I loved Simon, he was my first pet and I was going to spoil him.

"What do dogs eat Lawson?"

"Dog food; however there's no such thing left here- you'll have to feed him grains and bird."

I scratched under Simons chin, smiling at him as he turned it up for more.

"Are you hungry boy?"

He made a loud deep roar from his throat, prancing from hearing the word. I giggled - such a cute creature.

"I think that's a yes."

I looked at Lawson contemplating if I should ask him to go to the market, or just think it - since he could read my thoughts.

"I'd rather you ask a loud Ms. Brooks."

I rolled my green eyes - how annoying.

"Can I Mr. Lawson?"

"Yes June but, I need to tell you something."

He stiffened as if what he needed to tell me was something he didn't want to. Lawson didn't have a way with words - he had a way with demands. I often thought it was painful for the man to be nice.

"The day you were taken - when Caleb used his power in The City anyone who witnessed it was, put to death."

I gave him a shamed look; he knew those people hadn't know they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Just for being there and witnessing magic they got killed? This system was corrupt, fucking completely corrupt.

"And what does that make me Mr. Lawson, I certainly hope not dead."

"No not quite but, The Commissioner wants to talk to you."

I nearly fell over, I had a phobia of meeting him - I wasn't sure why, maybe he's wickedness would rub off on me. He put in the orders to have my mother taken and my father slain, I wanted nothing to do with him, he was pure evil.

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