Chapter 5.

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I could hear the excitement shine through my voice.

"Where have you been? I was beginning to think you broke the law or something."

She pulled me into a tight hug, I smelled what I usually smelt when I was close to her, coconuts - it was her favorite fragrance. She generously lathered the lotion on, so wherever she went a trail of the sweet tantalizing smell followed her.

I eyed Lawson.


I rubbed my arm, warming myself up to the conversion, Zara hated Lawson more than I did.

"I was sentenced to my room for the week."

Her perfectly plucked eyebrows came down into sharp points over her carmel colored eyes.

"For what June?"

I could hear the distaste in her voice.

Keeping my eyes on Lawson I sat back down on the marble rock overlooking the reef pond, Zara sat beside me, her eyes reading my careful movements.

"I got in the way of his work, that's all."

I smiled at her, trying to break the animosity forming in the space between us. I hated bringing up anything 'Lawson' related around her, it was painful - like swallowing glass.

"He's an asshole June, you should request to be dismissed from him, they can assign you to another."

"He's really not that bad."

"June. He's overly obsessive, you can't even go to the bathroom without him watching you. He's weird."

I grumbled beneath my breath; these conversions were one way streets with her, she'd never see my side of things.

"I've had him since I was sixteen Zara, he's the only man I trust."


She clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

"That's to bad. I love Caine, he's actually one of the good ones, you could have that too June."

I rolled my eyes. I loved Zara to death but, she was a sheep, as blind as she was, things were going to go horribly wrong in her feature, that man - she thinks is good, will bare his ugly face sooner or later. Just like the rest of Assemblages who think anyone of these Prosecutors are 'good' - there was no such thing. Not here. Not in this monarch.

"Ok Zara, I'll think about it."

I just told her what she wanted to hear, I did that a lot, I hated having to argue with her. I'd much rather be talking about useless nonsense than the things I already have been doing, reliving moments just wasn't for me.

"Look at the ocean today, doesn't it seem bluer?"

She asked as if I had some explanation as to why it look so marvelous. Even I had noticed its crystal clear blue coloring, it was the only thing I often enjoyed, the water was free, it owned the entire world, without a single care. Something I wished for. The beautiful serene cascade of the sun pierced through the water, its beam of light giving warmth to the sea. Giving us hope that one day we could take back whats rightfully ours. Land.

"It's amazing."

I spoke as if in a softened trance.

There were days I thought about fetching a hammer hiding it beneath one of my long flowing dresses and waiting for the perfect time to crack the glass wide open. Drown the city in its salty depths, but then I'd be no different than the monarch. I would take innocent life's just as they do. I had a better more elaborate plan, it was going to take months to pull off but, when the time was right, I'd see my opening for escape.

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