Chapter 16.

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"What if I don't want to?"

"It's not a matter if you don't want to; you have to."

I stood eyeing him, such a hard man to argue with. If anyone was a bull in a china shop it was Zander Lawson, he could easily break you, wreck you're very existence. He was giving me no sign of mercy - none. I needed him to show me he cared and I'd drop this bullshit wall I've been so desperately trying to hold up; I was becoming exceedingly tired.

"If you don't want me, why did you say that back there?"

"Say what June?"

My feet shuffled impatiently, he knew what I was trying to get a crossed, he just wanted me to work for it.

"When you asked me if you're brother and I had sex, I told you no, then you said: 'I don't want you to' what did you mean?"

"I meant I don't want you to have fucking sex with him."

He looked at me childishly as if I should have already knew that's what he meant; maybe I did, maybe I just needed to hear him say it out loud.


"I don't want him to be you're first June, he's not worthy of it."

"Then who is?"

"It should be with someone you really love."

I leaned against the bathroom counter my hands griping the sides of the marble top, Zander Lawson sounded romantic.

"With you?"

I peered gently into his eyes, avoiding nibbling on my bottom lip. He was quick to laugh and shake his head.

"No June not me."

"Why not?"

I grimly smile

"Because I will hurt you."

"Hurt me? - like by not committing?"

He laughed again irritatingly.

"Jesus you are still so damn young, no June - psychically, I will psychically hurt you."

"Couldn't you be gentle?"

Now I did bite my bottom lip, thinking of him being gentle made me wet between the legs, I scolded myself. Stop it June!

"Not possible. Bull in a china shop."

He winked. Damn he was sexy.

I pulled myself onto the bathroom counter and undid my robe letting it puddle out around me.


"Don't do this."

He whispered.

"Please try?"

I lightly said. He walked over to me and grabbed my robe to put it back onto my shoulders - I stopped him.

"Fuck me you coward!"

His jaw clenched.

"You don't want this. I promise June."

"I do, stop telling me that!"

I went to his belt and started to unbuckle it and his large hands closed over mine.

"I'm drunk."

He says pushing a hand through his thick dark hair.

"I don't care."

"Tomorrow you'll regret this"

His lips pushed against mine and I moaned beneath them, oh I wanted him so bad, my body burst into flames. I was craving his touch. His tongue slowly slid through my lips and caressed mine, I moaned again as I felt myself become dripping wet. I wanted him to touch me so bad between my legs, just thinking of him there made me want to cum. He pulled away.

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