Chapter 3.

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My eyes lightly scanned the merchandise of the market booth. So many pearls, I understood well we lived beneath the ocean. All you had to do was peer through the glass walls and clearly notice that. So the number of pearls was logical but they were becoming all to plain and overly common to me, it seemed every women in Glass City owned more than a few pearl accessories. I had longed for a unique piece, something I could admire on my own time. However I didn't think I would find it today.

I was growing bored sift of this city; of its markets, of all of its so called 'fun' it offered. I wanted something more, I craved adventure, I wanted to see things I haven't like: birds that are alive that are flying, I wanted to see them soar through the sky flapping their feathered silk wings. For that matter- I wanted to see the sky, witness it for myself, take in the beautiful sights of white fluffy clouds, see the world lit up and see the bright sun. Zander Lawson has seen these things, he has told me about them, about his adventures. I wish he wouldn't have, it just makes me harbor more resentment toward him. I hated that I couldn't leave, couldn't escape, it all seemed so wrong. Why were we to be hidden away from the world? Why couldn't we explore and see these things too? Those were questions I knew I'd never get answered. We were to obey The Commissioner, not question his law.

My voice was to be hushed to be humble to be submissive. But I did not want to conform, I did not believe in these laws, I had a voice and it was meant to be used, not hushed, not silenced by another's.

Unexpectedly a teenage boy slammed into me, knocking us both flat back onto the brick floor.

His eyes were wide with shock, his face turned as white as a sheet. He stayed where he was, posted up on his skinny elbows. Everyone in the market place stopped, they stared in our direction. The air became still and it had seemed the entire place was holding its breath.

I herd a click. Turning my head I seen Lawson aiming his pistol at the boy, his arm locked in a dangerous position. He had cocked his gun.


I screamed in desperate horror. I hardly recognized my own voice. I was scared. My heart nearly beating from my chest.

What was going on? my head spun. I couldn't see him kill this boy over something so petty, what was his crime? An accident. This had been the first time I'd seen Lawson pull his weapon and I was outraged.

"Lawson. No!"

I screamed again, I searched his lips the only feature to his face exposed, hoping to see some kind of sign of surrender. But I didn't. And the fear grew inside of me. Rolling in my stomach like the waves above me.

"Please, I'm sorry."

The young teenage boy cried, his body shrunken with fear, tears of sheer terror formed in his blue eyes. I felt a lump form in my throat as tears also stung my eyes. I would not let this happen, this was not going to happen. I crawled over the boy and looked up at Zander Lawson. His gun stilled raised - now pointing at the two of us.

"You'll have to shoot me Mr. Lawson"

"Move June."


His lips curled with disgust.

"I order you to fucking move Ms. Brooks, it is the law. Now obey me."

Tears rolled down my cheeks, I couldn't hold onto them anymore. I looked around in the faces of the small scattered crowds that had formed. They were all petrified cowards, some leaving, surely knowing the grim out come.

"You would really do this, What crime has he committed?"

"Touching an Assemblage without permission."

We Live BeneathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora