Chapter 20.

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Maddox Lawson wasn't happy about me and my concern of the conversion that took place between him and his brother. How could I not be curious? For starters; I was tangled in the web of both these men and I felt entitled to know what it was they were talking about. Although clearly enough, they wouldn't understand my need to know, I just wanted to be filled in about the situation between the three of us, if there even was one. I had wondered what happen to Lawson- why he didn't come back through those doors as well. I knew already pushing for an answer wasn't going to brighten up his mood, so I disregarded it quickly.

"Never mind."

I say quickly attaching on a smile.

"How's the food?"

He asks, the tone in his voice was still aggravated, I wanted to avoid agitating him any further.

"Good - Great. I love salmon.


He glanced at me for a moment as if studying my face, he didn't look happy, the anger in his eyes wasn't lifting.

"He Told me you fucked him, did you?"

The words just spewed from his mouth, digging right into my heart, oh god. I had hoped this wasn't going to surface anytime soon, especially not here. I fumbled the fork between my fingers, avoid his growing anger. I knew Lawson told him out of spite; had he wish death upon me?

"Will I be sent to the chambers?"

I said the words nearly under my breath afraid of the answer, I was going to pay for my actions, every Assemblage does, I have no special treatment, the sins are equal and so is the damnation. He lightly rubbed his eyes, then continued his stare.

"I won't deem you to hell just yet Ms. Brooks but, you will pay for you're stupid mistake, and I will be the one to enforce it."

He stood his muscles bunched beneath the expensive suit he wore, I had wondered what my punishment would consist of. Seeing him as handsome as he was I figured; I'd take him any day over those chambers.

" I need to publicly address the people here tonight.."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, surprisingly the only thing that cause me to stumble was him, the alcohol had worn down quite a bit from the water and meal. He then continued..

".. And you will be at my side. Then after, I'll decide how your punishment will be dealt."

He lead me through the crowd, women and men parting out of our way as if they were the Red Sea, I could certainty get use to this type of treatment. What a life to live with all the power and respect one can ultimately have. I had my good gifts as an Assemblage but nothing like this, he was given special looks from every person in the room; and then some - from the women of course. He took his stand at the podium, his hands grasping the sides of the wooden alter.

"Good evening everyone, And thank you for attending another Pledge Ball. Some speculation is going around about the departure of this planet. We have all been here quite some time and most of us are rightfully so, wanting to go home to The Parallel. I can tell you the departure will be in ordnance soon, most of our work here isn't finished but, the ones left will in time finish it for us. I do not wish to speak of the human death toll, for it is immensely great and still climbing - due to incorporation and in some cases complete and utter anarchy. We as a race struggle daily with our powers and we find it difficult not to use it, I'm grateful for you who show restraint, that goes to say less about me, as you all should know."

The crowd laughed. Laughed. I nearly threw up salmon, he was talking about lives here, human lives being taken - murdered, family's being destroyed. And they all thought that was funny? I would love to bust out a gun and friendly fire into the crowd right now; see then who would still be laughing.

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