Chapter 6.

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I stood. And waited. My breathing shallow filling my lungs silently, my palms dabbled with sweat, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. My eyes straight ahead, glued to the passageway, I nervously chewed at my bottom lip.

Prosecutors lined the hallway, their black helmets all face forward, eyes beneath the shields were surely watching us. The seven.

Zara was directly in front of me, her pink dress at a stilled hang above her knees. The hall was dead silent, you could hear a pen drop. My pulse beat in my ears, singing its song of misery. Although Lawson was dressed the same as every other Prosecutor - black long sleeved shirts, black cargo pants, black heavy vests, black combat boots, and the famous black helmets. I could tell which one was him, he was second to the front, one of the men closest to the ominous double doors.

Zara was next, then me. I feared the man without a face - the face I never seen, the one with all the power. He was made and designed with pure evil.

Four girls have gone ahead of us- young, younger than her and I. But, they were not chosen, it was between the three of us now. Zara, me, and the women behind me. Oh please, let my knees hold me up courage, they were becoming weak.

"Zara Evarose."

Her beautiful named echoed down the hall. Rattling our ears into attention.

My heart stilled. Zara looked back at me; her face painted in complete terror, I long to reach out and touch her to calm her, to let her know it will be OK. But then she was forcefully taken forward by The Prosecutors. And her smooth skin and pink cotton dress disappeared behind the doors. I held my breath as the doors snapped close, it has come down to this. I already knew she was twenty eight - she was becoming rather old for an Assemblage. I shut my eyes, tears bridging up in them, I was scared for her.


Minutes had past, I wipe my sweaty hands against my jeans, what has become of us, this world. We were treated like wild caged animals, waiting to be put down from our suffering. This damned waiting was becoming more and more difficult, almost unbearable, from the corner of my eye I looked at Lawson. He seemed calm, although I couldn't see his eyes, his body was straight, firm, arms crossed ready in command.

Then. A dreadful scream came barreling through the cracks in the door. My stomach heaved, my mouth went completely dry. Tears I had been desperately trying to hold back poured down.

They had her by her dainty arms, her makeup was smeared, eyeliner streaked down her face in a black mess. She had the most fearful look I had ever seen when her eyes caught mine. My insides churned.


I yelled, for my friend, my only friend. Zara had been there for me since I was young, she was the only thing that kept me sane.

"It's ok June."

She cried.

"No, no! this can't be happening, don't, don't take her."

I grasped out my hands for her and one of The Prosecutors, pushed me back powerfully making my legs wobble from the force.

"Stay back!"

He yelled in my face.


"It's ok June I promise, I'll be strong. And you do the same."

"I love you."

Her eyes flashed back toward me, tears in them, a weak smile forcing her lips to curl up at the corners.

"I love you too, sweetie."

All she wanted to do was dance, dance like a normal women, like she didn't have a care in the world. Instead she was getting thrown down into the dark, cold, wet chambers, and soon she would birth a baby. And soon after - she would be killed. This will be the last time I'll ever see her, just like my mother. My life was slowly coming unhinged, I was losing everything. My time was ticking away just as Zara's and soon I'll get the same treatment, if I don't escape.

"Ok, single file line!"

The Prosectors voice was loud, causing me to startle, I wiped away the tears, they were useless, crying got you nowhere in this hell hole. Today- I didn't get to see the devil and that ugly face of his, and I was thankful for that.

The last six of us filed out the door. We each took steps down the cement stairs, my legs were nearly to weak to stand on, they shook uncontrollably. I wish I could be stronger, hold myself together more, it was hard. I was the last to make it down the stairs. Maybe - if I would have been first I could have escaped a violent attack. A man came from the side invading my preferable vision, he was fast - so fast. He grabbed me around the neck pulling me into his chest, he drew a gun, pointed it right into my temple. I could smell the metal from his weapon. A dangerous reminder of just how serious this man was.


Without notice - in a fleeting second my life changed. The world I once thought was so small became vastly large. And I was exposed to a powerful force beyond any kind of measure, something I didn't think existed.


I cried, what the hell was going on?

Lawson was directly in front of me, feet away, his pistol drawn, among the other Prosectors who did the same.

"She fucking dies! Not my Zara!"

The mans voice trembled with anger. Gripping me tighter.

My mind raced, Zara? - just when I thought my day couldn't get any worst.

"Put the weapon down mother fucker, Now!"

Lawson screamed in command.

"Fuck you! I want my Zara, now."

The man yelled back.

"Drop your fucking weapon. OR your dead."

Lawson's voice was firm, he was serious as hell too. I know he wouldn't think twice about putting a bullet into this guys skull.

I clawed at the mans arms, his forearm got tighter around my throat, causing my breathing to become labored. I was getting choked a lot lately and I didn't like it.

"Zara deserves to live, unlike this slut!"

He cocked his gun.

I shut my eyes tight. I was going to die. I never expected this coming - at least it wasn't by the hands of The Commissioner - thank God. I would finally escape this place. Not as I planned but, I would escape.

"Fuck you! I dare you pussy, I'll fucking rip you apart with bullets."

Lawson yells.

I almost. Almost. Smile, he cared for me and I needed to hear it.

"Oh is this your Assemblage? I'll be sure to make her suffer."

The man said antagonizing.

Then he suddenly stepped forward stomping his large foot into the ground, all nine Prosectors went flying back as if they were frail pieces of paper in a windstorm. My eyes dilated in shock; what did I just see?

Then there was nothing, just darkness.

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