Chapter 23.

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I head in that direction with one haunting memory - Lawson murdering people. Tex was on my heels, his footsteps were heavy behind me as I made my way toward the only pink door in the line of chambers. Stupid girl - pink door - how silly, didn't she realize how everything was so fucking corrupt these days, no one had time for pink doors. I reached the bubble gum pink entrance and stood in front of it with my heart practically pounding, all this time I needed to talk to him and now I kinda wish I didn't have to. I knocked. Hard. He opened the door and seeing his face - the man that stole my virginity - still buckled my knees.


His brow lowered with confusion.

"Found you. Finally."

I say trying hard to block the excitement in my voice, I couldn't let my hormones turn me into 'stupid' June. Level head - and flash backs of him with innocent blood splattered across him - that's what I needed to keep in mind.

He looked over his shoulder and quickly back to me.

"Great. What are you doing here?"

"I need to ask you what you meant last night - about you're brother and his plans."

He leaned an arm on the door way looking from me to Tex.

"June, its fucking seven o'clock in the morning, couldn't you have picked a better time?"

Anger built - no! of course not! - my life, my future was at steak.

"Oh sorry, forgot you were up all night killing people."

I bluntly add.

He roughly sighed.

"You're already wearing me out. Jesus it's something you shouldn't have even seen."

"Yeah I wish I could take it back."

"Me too."

He says.

We stare at each other for moment before his Assemblage barges into the conversion.

"Who's this?"

She tries pushing past his arm. My heart stopped still - I was dreading the moment I met her, and she was absolutely gorgeous. Long flowing dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect lips, I could have fell over, she was prettier than me.

"No she isn't."

He says out loud. My eyes widen looking up at him, he had read my mind, and surprisingly said something outlandishly nice. But he was wrong. She was definitely prettier than me.


She asks confused.

"This is June. A friend of mine."

He says.

She stands sizing me up as I was doing the same to her.

"June - isn't that you're Ex Assemblage?"


I quickly answer. Her lips pout with distaste, but I had him first, so even her good looks couldn't intimidate me.

"Why are you here?

She cockily asks.

Lawson turns to her and flags his arm.

"Go! No more questions, I'll be back in awhile, Tex will accommodate you."

"But you're no longer Ms. Brooks, Prosecutor."

We Live BeneathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora