Chapter 12.

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As much as I wanted to learn the powers I contained, I wasn't going to push the subject, I needed to keep on good behavior; this way I'd learn faster. His yellow eyes shimmered as I sunk into the leather seat. I would keep mostly quite today, my cocky attitude wouldn't be attending me. I had three very important things on my mind, see my mother, learn who I really am and use my magic.

"I'm ready to learn."

I say cupping my hands into my lap and giving him my full attention. If he wanted a lady, I'd give him one.

"So when you think of extraterrestrial life, what exactly does it mean to you Ms. Brooks?"

I pushed my back into the seat, I felt as though I would find myself slumping soon, and I need to catch myself before hand. I always hated school, and I felt like I was in the principles office.

"Aliens, I suppose, like the creatures people talk about."

By the look on his face he wasn't amused by my answer, I didn't know - how was I suppose to know if nobody told me?

"That's the myth Ms. Brooks, not the legend. Extraterrestrial just means that its outside of earth - foreign. We came from The Parallel, its like a universe just the same as this but, instead of human life inhabiting it its extraterrestrial life. Our race is called The Grey, our planet allows us to be awaken - meaning we can use 100% of our brain. Therefore if we ask a mountain to jump, it will jump. We can do things others can't, like using the planets energy for means of power within us. We can also time travel and hear wave links, among other magic like super speed and strength. When we are on other planets, such as this one, we can only use 60% of our magic, so mustering up the power to make a mountain move is nearly impossible but, we can still put some powerful things into effect."

I clinched my hands on the arms of my chair, this was incredible.

"So can I do all of that stuff?"

"Well, you're from human and extraterrestrial decent, meaning you won't have all the powers, and when you start to learn them - they may take sometime to build within you."

"How did this all happen? How could I not have known?"

"We are one of the last races mostly involved in human life, when the moon fell from the human earth it was our duty to help out due to it being our parallel planet. Human life was almost killed off, we had the recourses to help, and that is why we are here - to stabilize this planet, and its people. You're mother was one of the ones brought down as an Assemblage to help repopulate the earth. That's when she met you're father - a human, and had you. When she became pregnant again we had to send her back to the Parallel because -you're father had found out what you both were, and wanted to kill you. He didn't believe in the super race - what we want to build here."

I shifted legs, crossing my right over my left and watching Maddox Lawson eyes carefully - was he a lair? I wasn't certain just yet. But I was leaning toward a damn good swindler.

" I don't believe my father would have killed me and my pregnant mother."

"You were turning sixteen at the time, when you were due for Assemblage. You're mother broke the news to you're father, and she wanted to tell you as well, but he thought you both were monsters - freaks, he was willing to sacrifice his daughter, wife and unborn child, being what he thought in his mind to be right. He was a very troubled man Ms. Brooks."

I stood from my chair, my spine itching with anger.

"I was sixteen I knew my father well! He would have not of killed us damnit, you're wrong!"

There went my good behavior, my manners and my lady like attitude, I didn't care - I stood up for what was right, my father was a good man. I knew that for a fact. This Maddox Lawson knew nothing about my family - nothing! He wasn't going to start evading my mind and replacing my memories with his screwed up ones? no, because I knew my father, he loved us, he would have never hurt us.

"Ms. Brooks you are so very naive, one day you'll thank me for the truth."

"I will never thank you Mr. Commissioner; you have destroyed my fathers race and ruined any chance of me having a normal life. If anything - I blame you."

He matched me by standing from his chair, his eyes moving over me slowly. He exhaled and pressed his hands against the desk, slightly leaning forward.

"You're pointing the blame at someone who cannot help the way they are built, it comes with the territory."

"A territory that does not belong to you."

I firmly say.

"And you believe it belongs to the puny straggler humans? The ones I helped get back to stable living conditions? I built this entire city, you're telling me its not mine?"

"But, why keep us so contained? Why do you have us living like slaves, fearing punishment everyday, why can't it be all of ours? You're system is twisted - corrupt! And I won't be a part of it."

He stepped around the desk, his large body inching closer to mine, he stopped right in front of me. The yellow in his eyes flaming with endless shades of authority. He had eyes you couldn't escape, once you peered into them, you got lost and you were damn lucky if you found you're way out.

"Because, that is not how it works Ms. Brooks, there's always going to be law and order, someone that's controls the bigger decisions. I am the fucking alpha - the omega and you will obey me."

He was certainly a smooth talker. I knew his words all to plainly; put together methodically, throwing in a couple of cuss words to make me pay attention - possibly even shake with fear. I won't. I never will. He was something out of my control yes, but I was in control of me, and I would never obey such a ruthless man: if that's what he even was.

"So, you wish to defy me?"

His voice was edging on the verge of turning into sandpaper, he didn't like that I challenged him - everything he stood for.

"If that's what you call it then, yes."

My breathing slowed in the pit of my stomach, making my insides swim. As much as I hated to admit it; he could do anything he wanted to me and there'd be no one to stop him. He clucked his tongue lightly, shaking his head in disapproval.

"You will be sorry Ms. Brooks, meet me tomorrow at one, do not. Be late."

Leaving his chambers was a great relief, I had to get out of there and breath air that wasn't shared with him. The man was beyond suffocating; he was falsely mistaken about my father, and I could not hear another second of it. His way of thinking was terribly confusing, I could not wrap my head around the thought of someone being so dominating; he acted as if no heart resided within him, just a black hole sucking in all the innocent life's. He disgusted me, even if I was part of his race I'd never succumb to the dark that surrounded him. If The Grey was like The Commissioner and The Prosecutors that lived here, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to be a part of it either. Walking out I caught Zander Lawson talking to a women, she was draped in a black silky cloak it caressed her curvy body as it posed against the wall. I wasn't happy seeing this, their bodies close, her hand resting beside his arm like at any second she was going to touch him, they looked - comfortable. I stomped pass them not even giving a fleeting glance, I was mad, mad at the whole situation of today, everything seemed to get a lot more complex and it was pushing me to the point of escape. I needed to get away from this place. And away from both of these men.

"What the hell, June!"

I herd Lawson call, I felt the rhythm of my heart leap and something inside of me told me to run.

We Live BeneathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora