Chapter 11.

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I was beautiful yes; but was I desirable? Apparently to Zander Lawson, no - I wasn't. And for some odd itching reason I hated that he didn't find me desirable. So with that in mind I would go out of my way to find him well, undesirable as well. I was a twenty three year old untouched virgin, knowing nothing of sex, I could see where the un-desiring fell into place - I'm sure Lawson liked his women to know what they were doing, I was a shot in the dark but, I was more than capable of learning - I wanted to learn. I heaved the bag of grains off of the table and he came swiftly up behind me trying to grab the ponderous bag from my arms. But instead I protested, I wanted to carry it myself, I was strong enough, well capable of doing it, so that's just what I did.

"Come on June, let me take it."

My vision stayed off of him as I walked past his outward strong arms and to the direction of my room, I didn't need Zander Lawson, he wasn't here to help me, so why should he? Maybe I should stop having unnecessary friendly conversations with him, we weren't friends either, we were "strictly business".


He yelled my name loud; clearing my rampaging mind, almost forcing me to turn my head - I didn't, I kept walking but he was quick to match my stride, reaching my side I could feel his dark stare, I evaded it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

I rolled my eyes, if he didn't know now he never would - he was seriously uneducated in women physiology and or women emotions, he clearly himself hadn't felt emotions in years - if ever!

"I'm extremely educated in women physiology Ms. Brooks; its the bitch raging hormones I don't get."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you're some Casanova Mr. Lawson."

"Quite the opposite."

I eyed him from my firm stride, I knew the reading mind game was going to get old. Fast. He enjoyed dabbling in my thoughts, I'm sure it was quite amusing.

"Why don't you just stay the hell out of my mind?"

"Then stop fucking thinking about me so much, its nearly impossible not to listen to you're thoughts when they include my name in them."

I'd much rather keep quite now on both ends of the spectrum - speaking and thinking, so we walked back in silence. When I got through the door I dropped the heavy bag of grains to the floor, my arms relieved to be rid of them.

"Simon, here boy."

My lips curl into a smile when seeing him trot out from the bathroom, his ears standing erect on the top of his head, like fluffy antennas. I scoop out a bit of grains and cooked chicken into a blow and left it for him on the ground. I wasn't feeling good so I was quick to lay down on my bed, letting myself sink into its covers - I loved being comfortable and my bed was the perfect place to supply me of it. I herd Lawson's boots on the substandard wood flooring before taking a seat in my armchair. I turned my head on the feathered pillow to look at him, he looked tired too.

"You can sleep, I have this stupid tattoo so if I did run - you'd find me."

He looked up his dark gritty eyes looking heavy, his full lips rested in a relaxed line. Damn; he was fine. I hated it.

"I don't need sleep June, I'd rather not waste anymore of my time tracking you down."


I whispered


"Have you been to the Parallel?"

He squirmed a bit as if frustrated by the question, he hated to be asked anything.

"Yeah, I have."

"Is it beautiful?"

I asked wondering on in amazement of how green grass layered on top of the soil and how trees leafs would tussle in the breeze of the wind, dancing wildly making their song of sound as they happily blew.

"It's great June, you'd love it."

"Can I go sometime?"

I spoke lightly felling my head sink deeper into the pillow, my eyes tiring as I tried to keep them open.

"I told you. You'd get to see you're mother, I keep my word."

"I can't wait."

I smiled just thinking about embracing my mom in such a beautiful place, I couldn't wait to tell her I knew - knew everything, she didn't need to hide who we were any longer. I had questions piled into my mind that I needed to ask her, I'm just glad she's alive. She's safe. And now she can teach me about my race, I can learn from her, as daughter and mother - I could hardly wait.

"Goodnight Lawson."

I yawned.


Waking up was something everyone hated, dragging yourself from sleep - to spend you're day doing something you didn't want to do. Forcing yourself to smile, in hopes that will in someway make the day go smoother, that never works, at least not for me. However; today was important for me, I was going to enjoy it, I was going to get to learn my magic. At least that's what I was hoping for, getting out of bed today wasn't like most - this was the adventure I had been longing for. Finding out you were half human half alien was a hard chunk of information to comprehend. You're brain scrambles trying to understand how you've went all this time (in my case twenty three years) without knowing a single shred of detail on the other life that was harboring inside of you. I wasn't sure why my mother or father didn't tell me, I would have been a lot safer if they had - protecting myself would have been a synch. Today I didn't care; I was going to learn, that was all that mattered, I would start fresh and morf into the enhanced me. Walking through the double doors this time wasn't as intimidating - I knew who was on the opposite side of them and in a way I was excited to meet stares with Maddox Lawson once again.

"Ms. Brooks, we meet again."

His was voice rich, filling the room - and my ears, with the deep tantalizing sound.

"Didn't have too much of a late night then I presume?"

I was remembering the red head, and his words from the evening, I was glad he could meet with me today.

"Oh it was late; I slept quite well after. Sit"

He says moving his hand toward the leather chair in front of his desk, I wouldn't ask any further questions, I'd rather not know his events of last night, I took option number two: the seat.

"So what are you teaching me? I want to learn how to read minds."

He shook his head, his face forming an unpleasant smile - He and his brother we're quite alike in they're facial expression.

"Not today Ms. Brooks, you need to learn about you're race first - then the magic will be able to flow more naturally."

I frowned, well damn, as much as I wanted to learn who I was - I wanted to learn magic more.

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