Chapter 8.

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I startled from my sitting position when I herd the sound of crunching gravel - footsteps. My head snapped around to look at Caleb, he too was standing, and applying a heavy bullet proof vest to his wardrobe.

"Is it them? - The Prosecutors?"

My voice nearly sounded excited, something I thought would never happen regarding Prosecutors. I was urgently awaiting the conversion I'd have with Lawson, he had a lot of explaining to do.


He looked up at the mouth of the dirt opening, his eyes shinning with exhilaration. I knew this bastard was ready for a fight - I just hope Lawson and his men were the same.

"Aw, you found you're little slave, the tattoo must have helped, I know you're tracking skills aren't worth shit Zander"

I quickly look up - seeing him - my Prosecutor, oh, how my heart sunk, he came for me. And he was going to save me.

"I have much better fucking magic than you Caleb, I hope you have backup?"

Caleb laughed.

"No. I don't need it. But you made the fucked up decision of not bringing any yourself."

Lawson then drew his gun - pointing it right down into the hole, at Caleb. I clinched onto Simon pulling him into my lap and hiding my eyes in his hair. The gun shot went off, like a crack of lightening, it was so loud it rang through my ears, rattling my ear drums. I cautiously look up afraid of what I might see but instead, Caleb was still standing.

"You have to do better than that."

Caleb grabbed me and as fast as I could blink we were flying up past the rumbling dirt, we landed and I let go of Simon, I fell to my knees. Red clay surrounded me - as far as I could see, it was land, dry land. My spine tingled at the overwhelming sight, my mind raced by the unfamiliar astonishing waterless terrain.

I look up at Lawson who is now tossing a blue energy ball between his hands - something even more astonishing. It's bright inspiring twirls flashing every shade of blue you could think of.

"What is that?"

I gasp from my kneeled position.

"When were you going to tell her Zander? About the powers she possess? - too afraid she'll kick you're ass, hm?"

Lawson than shot the ball right into Caleb's chest, throwing him back onto the dried ground, his back hitting hard. Caleb was quick to stand and also started forming a blue energy ball in his hands.

"My turn!"

He says throwing it back at Lawson. It smacked him right in the face - but Lawson didn't budge, he stood unwavering. My mouth hung agape, he was strong. Very strong.

"I'm done playing games."

Lawson says, wiping a bit of blood away from the corner of his mouth. He shoved a heavy foot out in front of him and pushed his hands out toward Caleb - he flew backward again. He then drew his gun - he was going to execute him.

"Wait Lawson! Wait."

I said reaching my arms out in his direction, Caleb didn't want to hurt me, he wanted to prove a point.

Then it all happened so fast.

Caleb lifted onto his elbows and pulled his gun, aimed it right at me and pulled the trigger. The pain that wrenched through my body was excruciating, I screamed in agony.

"No! You fuck!"

Lawson roared he stomped down into Caleb's stomach pointed the gun right in his face and- a clack of the chamber releasing the bullet thunder over the air. Caleb was shot point blank in the face - he was dead. Lawson rushed to my side throwing off his helmet, I seen those dark eyes and felt secure again, my protector.

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