Chapter 1: Dinner and unexpected news Part1

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We arrived at the mall and as soon as Kelly parked the car we went straight to the the body con store I went to dress aisle and found this red and white dress with slits going to the sides while Kelly got a blue and green just like my dress and Ambra got a yellow one like mines also (Kelly on the side) so we paid for our dresses and went to the shoe store for matching heels I decided to get a red six inch heels to match my dress while Ambra and kelly  got the same shoe but in the color of their dress we paid for the shoes and then we left the mall and decided hit up my hair dresser Janae  .

Janae ; Hey gurl what you want for your hair

me: I want it died red with some highlights please and the same thing for my gurls but whatever color they want .

Janae : Okay Lanesa (La-ne-suh) come do Ambra's hair and kelly own in whatever they like 

Lanesa : coming nae .

Ten minutes later our hair are done and our nails so we go by my apartment to get dress since its six o'clock and the dinner starts a t eight yes my dad invited my best friends over because they are his God Daughters so we get inside my three room condo what my dad bought yes I am spoil even though I work and my dad owns plenty condo's in Atlanta  so this one of the many and it is rent free so I hopped in my shower and started bathing .

James Andre Williams Jr . aka JJ

Today I am suppose to be meeting my future wife ya see my dad wants me to take over his empire along with partner up with his best buddy but in order for me to takeover I have to have an arrange marriage to his friend daughter so they invited me over for dinner to meet her and let me introduce myself my name is James Andre Williams Jr . I am twenty two years old soon twenty three and my dad is a kingpin soon to retire and I am taking over my dad recently told me that I will be having an arrange marriage to his friend daughter  I have my right hand man and also my best friend Ranard Clayran Delaney  so he is single and he probably could hook up with one of her friends .

An Arrange Marriage to the mafia(Drug Cartel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ