Chapter 20

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It has been 3 months and I am 9 months pregnant in few days my babies will be coming and speaking of babies Maya is now ten months she is walking and crawling and always touching things and my husband and I are stronger than ever we are so happy as a family and I thank my dad because when I first saw JJ I hated him but I fell in love with him  so today I decided to do some more shopping for the twins so I got up and went to the bathroom I stripped out of my pajamas  and went straight in the warm water letting it relax my body then I started washing my body with tone soap and it felt so good then I rinsed off I turned off the shower getting out then I grabbed my towel dried off and I put on a pair of briefs then my matching bra then I went in the closet and got a pretty sun dress and sandals to match I decided not to wear makeup  just my eos chap stick I notice JJ was still asleep so I went to Maya room and she was wide awake so I decided  to bathe her and dress her in her lil sundress to with matching sandals so I bathed her put on her diaper and under shirt onesie then I put on the sundress and her sandals after that I packed her bag with diapers ,extra clothes ,bibs ,water in her bottle and I also put three extra bottles in there along with my breast pump because I feed her with breast milk also so I feed her then I put her in the room with JJ as I was getting his clothes ready cause we going to shop for the twins before they come  .

Babe wake up I said shaking JJ  as I went and grabbed my purse putting the necessary items in it and then I put on a lil bit of makeup which consisted of mascara and eye liner and nude lipstick after that I notice that JJ was just waking up and Maya had feel asleep so she was spread out on the bed next to her dad .

Morning bae JJ said while kissing me on the lips and rubbing my belly and the twins started kicking they know their dad  and then he went in our bathroom to  shower so I went and got Maya 's car seat and stroller then I went back in her nursery and got some toys for her then I went in the kitchen and started putting some Gerber cookies and food in the bag along with her baby spoon then I closed her diaper bag .

After a while JJ came downstairs with a sleeping Maya so he buckled her in her car seat as I grabbed her bag and purse and follow him outside we locked up and went in his range rover he buckled maya as I got in the passenger side then he hopped in the drivers side and we were on our way

We arrived shortly and the baby store in the mall as we got closer to the store I went and got a trolley while JJ was pushing Maya in the stroller I got more pieces of clothes for the twins and Maya then I got some more socks and shoes and many more items then we cashed out grabbing the items in the bag and leaving the store to go to the children's place so I got so much outfits for the twins and Maya then I got some dresses for all three of them with matching head bands and socks and many more items after that I went to foot locker and let me tell yall we got like a lot of shoes for me ,JJ ,Maya and the twins after that we went to get something eat then we went home .


Late that night

I woke up feeling some contractions and it kept coming so I woke up JJ and told him he said not to worry go back to sleep so I did .

***************8 minutes later *********************

Simone I know damn well that you een just pee the bed babe JJ said  not realizing that my water had broke

Babe my water just broke I am in labor get the bags I packed earlier today for me and the twins and Maya's diaper bag and get Maya too I said going in the shower doing a quick bird bath and getting dressed as I went downstairs I called my dad ,mom ,sisters ,my besties and they boo thang along with my doctor ,in laws every one as we rushed to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital shortly and parked and got out with JJ getting the bags and Maya as I rushed inside the automatic doors of St Michael's Hospital (made up ).

Hi excuse me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lawd I am in labor and these contraction are hurting I said to the receptionist as I was feeling hard contractions coming .

Ok ma'am just let me get a wheel chair to escort you to your hospital suite she said as she went and got a wheel chair for me  as she pushed me through the halls and lead me into the room she had me changed in a gown and they had me hooked up in the bed and boy let me tell you the contraction were coming like crazy .

Babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it hurts I said crying because I was in pain Harmony and magic needed to come out soon

I know baby but our baby girls will be here soon he said kissing my fore head I just love this man at first I had hatred for him now I am strongly and deeply in love with him .

Ok Simone I just came in here to check to see how far you are to giving birth said Dr Ramirez

Ok I said as she checked me to see how far I am dilated

Well it looks like your six centimeters dilated very soon the twins will be here Simone said Doctor Ramirez

In came my sister ,mom ,dad ,Ambra and Lakelle along with Renard and Clayran and they came with gifts for the twins I was glad our family was here to witness the coming of Harmony Alanna Samaya and Magic Monae Autumn in to this world .

Couple minutes later Dr Ramirez came back into the room to check me she said I was finally ready to push so my family had to leave the room so it was only me and JJ along with Dr Ramirez and two nurses .

Ok Simone I want you to give me a big push she said and I gave her a big push she told me to push again and then I heard the soft cries of one of my babies .

Ok Simone this is baby A she said as the nurse took the baby A and made sure she was healthy then Doctor Ramirez told me to push again my next baby girl arrived .

Harmony Alanna Samaya Williams - 5 pounds 8 ounces -May 2nd 2016

Magic Autumn Monae Williams 5 pounds 8 ounces -May 2nd 2016

Magic Autumn Monae Williams 5 pounds 8 ounces -May 2nd 2016

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Harmony and Magic


This is the end of the chapter I hope you enjoy please vote and comment next chapter will come soon and the mm is the hospital suite where Simone is yall enjoy once again

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