Chapter 49

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Today is yet another day for me as a mom and business owner today is the day we meet up with the designers for the kids shop and the clothing line for LJH and some new designs for SAL to go in the boutique plus I have to carry the kids to pre-school and daycare .

I woke up and got out of my husband's hold and went straight to our walk in bathroom  stripping out my nightgown  went straight in the tub  scrubbing my body off  then I rinsed off then I went back in our room with my towel wrapped around my waste .

I went to my underwear draw and grabbed my bra and put on then I grabbed my thong and slipped it on as well. Once  I had on my underwear I went and found a black pencil skirt with a black blouse and matching louboutin heels to with the outfit.

"damn babe you looking sexy "said JJ in his deep  voice 

"Thanks babe I gotta look good as a business woman"  I said to him as I was putting the finishing touches on my outfit .

I always know how to slay as a mother,wife and a business lady I'm the boss lady so I got to look great and sexy.

" Are you going to work today cause I have a meeting with the designers and I cant get the kids dress today I can pick them up from daycare babe " I said to him cause  I really have to go like right now.

" No I can do it you go on and have a great day babe " he said kissing me with his soft juicy lips and his sexy ass yall I love my man years ago I couldn't stand his ass but now I am head over heels for him.

" Ok baby I love you bye and make sure put extra clothes in Magic and Harmony bag babe " I said cause last time she messed up herself at home .

" I will babe bye and I love you " he said as I grabbed my purse and my other stuff and walked out the room door downstairs grabbing my keys and walking out the front door.

I got in my Mercedes he got for me on my birthday and drove off towards Dunkin Donuts for some sweet donuts and coffee and breakfast for me.

I got to DD and I went inside and got four coffees and some donuts and breakfast sandwich for me and the ladies before we have this important meeting today with the designers .

I got everything I needed and left DD and went straight to the office I parked my car in my usual parking spot and got out grabbing the stuff along with my purse I opened the door  and met my sister Simonique here .

" Good morning sis you here early thought I was gon be early " I said to her setting the stuff on the table taking one of the coffee and a sandwich and also a donut to eat .

"Good morning sis yeah I know I early even though your niece Ms. Ford kept me up" she said ah my Tonia kept her up .

" Antonia was probably hungry cause Mr. Williams always like that and it gets frustrating " I said to her because we both have one month old babies .

" Yeah she sometimes sleep through the night but last night no I was so sleepy sis " she said and its true like Andre he gonna sleep through the night sometimes then he wakes up a lot crying .

Ambra and Lakelle came in and we all were talking until the designer comes to show us a few of our pieces she made already .

The designer came and we saw a few of our pieces for LJH and SAL and it looked amazing to me and plus we wanted to do a next  kids line and also a ladies bathing suit line .

Once we were done I went to get the kids and then home to relax until six to make dinner .


Just a quick update for you guys 

Enjoy cause Chapter 50 will be up then epilogue parts one and two then 

Part two which is the sequel of the book yall.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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