Chapter 9- Date with Harry

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Kyler's POV

"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

What do I say? I like Harry, but not as much as Liam. I can't say no, because I would go on a date with Harry. It's a good way to get over Liam.


"Sorry, Kyler. I shouldn't of asked. I didn't think you would want to anyways."



"I would love to go out with you tomorrow night."

"Really? I thought you would say no. Tori and Justice said that you didn't seem like the type to go out with any guy."

"Yeah, Really. I will."

"Okay. I'll pick you up at your flat at 8:00 PM tomorrow night okay?"

"Okay, Uhm, what should I wear? Something Fancy, or Casual?"

"You'll look great in anything."

I blushed at his comment.


He pecked me on the cheek and walked out the door, leaving me with my own thoughts.

When I finally came out of Harry's room, everyone was either glaring at me, kind of, angrily? But, some were grinning at me from ear to ear.


"You can quit staring at me now. It's just me."

The rest of the night was very, AWKWARD.

*Next Morning*

"Bye Guys! See you soon!!"

I hugged everyone as I started heading towards the door, going home to start getting ready for me and Harry's date.

"I'll walk you out," Harry said, smiling.

"No, I will," Liam growled.


"Thanks, Liam."

He started walking me towards the door, and as soon as we were out of sight, he growled:

"So, you and Harry?"

"It's just a date, Liam. You don't care anyways."

He pushed me up against the wall so I couldn't leave. It was gentle, but still scared me.

"That is not true and you know that, Kyler."

"Whatever. Get off."

I pushed him off of me and walked out the door, ignoring Liam's yells.

I rushed home as fast as I could. Why did Liam do that? He is not the sweet and caring Liam I know. What's gotten into him?

I walked in my room and started stripping my clothes off, about to get in the shower.

It was about 6:00 PM, so I had about 2 hours to get ready.

When I got out of the shower, I put on my outfit which was: Dark Ripped Skinny Jeans, Grey Uggs, and my purple Jack Wills Sweatshirt that Justice and Tori bought me for no reason whatsoever.

After I put on my outfit, I straightened my hair, letting it rest on my shoulders. I put on a light amount of makeup, making my hazel/green eyes pop.

It was almost 8, and I grabbed my iPhone, my purse, and sat on the couch, waiting for Harry to arrive.

At almost exactly 8, a limo pulled up. Wait, A limo? What the heck? Harry got out of the limo, ringing the doorbell. When I opened the door, he was wearing dark skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, and white converse. Typical Harry Styles outfit. He smiled, and I smiled back, poking his dimples.

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