Chapter 50- Numb.

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Kyler's POV

It's been a week since they left.

I felt even more lonely since the girls were gone. I missed them so much. I wish I could have gone with them, but yet I don't. That would be selfish and I would be putting them all in danger by doing that.

"I have good news." Nathan said beside me.

"What is it?"

"I won't have to leave as much now that I only have us to feed." He said and I smiled a fake smile.

I looked at the TV, as we watched a gossip TV show. It was all about Lindsey Lohan and Miley Cyrus, so I got quite bored of it and let Nathan change it to whatever he wanted.

Nathan's arms went around me and soon we both fell fast because he insisted we stayed up last night to talk, so I was exhausted.

Once I had woken up, Nathan was still sound asleep beside me, his head laying on my shoulder, his arms still around me.

I pushed him off of me as I walked into 'our' hotel bedroom, opening the sliding glass door to the balcony. I wonder if Nathan is going to make us go back to America or if I can convince him to live in London. I don't know but he probably will hurt me if I argue with him.

I still haven't found my cell phone so I left the balcony in hopes it would still be here somewhere. I searched the small nightstand beside the big bed and found my cell phone, along with Kenia's, Tori's, and Erika's. I took all of them and wrote Nathan a small note saying I'll be back later. I know he's going to be mad but I have to return these before we probably leave.

I stepped out into the chilly London air, wearing only the dress I wore the night of the club since nothing else had been cleaned yet. I realized we were only about a 15 minute walk to my flat, well my old flat, building and I sped walk most of the way so I got there in about 10. I went inside and went to our floor, walking to the door of their flat and laying the phones on the floor below them. I had put a sticky note that said 'Love, Kyler' and stuck it on Erika's phone. I knocked on the door loudly before sprinting as fast as I could down the hall and around the corner where I wasn't seen.

I heard their door open and I peaked my head around, seeing Harry's curls poke out the door as he stood at the doorway. He looked around for a minute before picking up the phones and turning around, but the door remained opened so I could faintly hear their voices.

"It's from...Kyler." Harry said.

"Where is she?" Liam asked, making my heart shatter at his desperate voice. No Liam you were supposed to forget about me.

"She's gone." Harry said, barely audible from this distance.

"I'm such an idiot." Liam said and I couldn't handle hearing his voice anymore. I knew if I heard one more word escape his lips I would cry and I would go back to him.

But I can't do that.

I did let a few tears slip as I left the building, walking as quickly as I could back to the hotel. I was freezing by the time I got there, going to our room and knocking on the door since I forgot to bring a key.

An angry, shirtless, Nathan, opened the door, gripping my wrist and pulling me inside before slamming the door, causing me to flinch, and locking it.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He yelled, gripping my wrist tighter.

"N-Nowhere." I said.

"Don't lie to me! You went and saw that Liam guy, didn't you?" He yelled, letting go of my wrist to come closer to me, grabbing both of my forearms and pulling me towards him.

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