Chapter 25- Back for You

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Liam's POV:

My heart was racing, as I sat on the plane. What would I say? What would I do?

We had gotten Austin's address from them, but they told us she was hardly home. That she was usually walking or with Nathan.

I have to get her away from him. From what I heard, he's dangerous. He might hurt Kyler again.

And I could never deal with that.

For the next few hours, I made my plan, but it was a very long plan. I don't even know if it's gonna work. But it's worth a shot.

And then the plane landed.


Kyler's POV:

I walked down the strip, meeting Nathan again. But, it was already dark. And that scared me.

I was wearing a floral romper, with a brown leather jacket and brown high heeled boots. My hair was in loose curls, and my bangs were clipped back.

Nathan's getting worse and worse each day. The other day, he almost hurt me physically again. And if a guy even looks at me, he gets furious. And I'm the one he takes it out on.

I arrived at our usual meeting place, taking a seat on a bench waiting for him. After about 30 minutes, I feel a grip on my forearm as I'm pulled into a hard chest.

"Why didn't you text me back?" Nathan growled. I looked up in his eyes, but quickly looked away when I saw his expression.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You heard me." He said, gripping my forearm harder, making me wince in pain.

"It was 4 AM. I was sleeping." I said.

"With who? Austin?"

"No! What are you talking about?" I was now shaking.

"You're pretty close to him." He sneered.

"He's my best friend. You know that. Austin's engaged. Hannah's pregnant. I don't like him and I never have. Not like that."

"Don't lie to me, Kyler."

"I'm not lying." I said, wincing in pain as he grappled both of my wrists and harshly pushing me into a brick wall of a building.

"You're mine, Kyler. No one else's."

"N-no, Nathan. I-I'm n-not." I said, trying to stand up for myself.

And then, he punched me in the stomach. Hard. I cried out in pain, and I started crying. He let go of my wrists, and put his hands on the wall on either side of my head, trapping me from going anywhere.

"Goddammit, Kyler. I love you so much. But, YOU'RE MINE. You always will be whether you like it, or not." He said, looking at me. Usually, when he hit me, his eyes were full of anger, but this time, I saw the slightest bit of worry, regret, and even love in those angry eyes.

"Then, w-why do y-you hurt me, N-Nathan? That's n-not l-love." I said, wiping away my tears.

"I want you to know you're MINE." He growled, before crashing his lips on mine. I didn't kiss back as usual. But, then he slapped me, telling me to kiss back. So, I did.

I wish Nathan was still...Nathan. The sweet, caring, fun, loving Nathan that I once loved. We were so happy together. I loved him and I was sure of it.

But, now. I feel nothing. Around him, all I feel is pain at what he did. And I'm scared of him.

As if reading my mind, Nathan pulled back, and asked, "Are you scared of me?" I hesitantly nodded, knowing that it's best if I didn't lie.

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