Chapter 18- We're Finally Free.

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Kenia's POV

"Thank God! We finally got out of that place!" Tori yelled, as we were walking down the streets with Niall and Zayn. Tori and Niall were holding hands, me and Zayn were just walking.

I realized that I really like him now. A lot. He stayed with me in the hospital the whole time when I had no one. My whole family is in El Salvador, I moved here to pursue my career as a model. Right now, I'm just a floor model at Hollister, but I'm working my way up.

He asked me out on a date after he scared me in Kyler's room, but we're waiting until everyone gets out of the hospital. I said yes, and I'm so excited.

"Me too. It was horrible. But, we look so stupid with all these casts and bruises." I said.

"Have you seen this huge gash on my forehead? I know, so attractive." Tori replied.

"You're still beautiful, love." Niall said, as he kissed Tori on the forehead.

"Yeah, it just adds character to both of you." Zayn said.

"But you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on." He whispered in my ear. My body tingled as I felt his hot breath on me.

I blushed at his comment as we walked down the streets.

"Ooohhhh Nando's!!" Niall said, as Tori looked at him, and just laughed, I guess she was expecting it.

"Fine, Niall. Do you guys want to join us?" Tori asked.

"No, I have a lot of things to do before I take my shift at work." I said.

"Yeah, and, I have to, Uhm, do my hair?" Zayn said.

"Zayn, you just did it before we left." I laughed.

"I did? Oh, yeah. Well, I still have to be, somewhere." He said nervously.

"Oh my gosh Zayn, if you just wanna be with Kenia, you could have just said so." Tori said, as Niall laughed.

Niall went and 'whispered' in his ear, but really yelled: "GET SOME!" Which caused me to blush.

Niall and Tori locked arms and skipped into Nando's, leaving me and Zayn alone.

"Soo..." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Soo.." I said awkwardly.

"How are your injuries? Is your ankle any better?" He asked.

"A little." I said. It's true. My arm and my ankle were healing quicker than normal because I hadn't been doing much so it was doing okay. My rib was already pretty much better, I just couldn't lift anything heavy.

"Can I walk you home? Keep you company until you go to work?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Sure, of course." I said.

We were walking down the streets of London, sometimes awkwardly talking, and other times we were in a comfortable silence. Sometimes, he would walk near me, and our hands would brush, and it would send tingles through my hand, but he would never grab it. He would just separate a little bit and avoid eye contact. Finally, the last time he took the courage and grabbed my hand, looking at me reassuringly as I smiled at him. Everything was less awkward after that, we were talking and laughing. That's all it took. As soon as we reached my flat, he kissed me on the cheek and smiled.

"Do you want to come in? I still have like 3 hours until work." I smiled, really hoping he would want to.

"Sure. I would love that." He replied.

We were sitting on my couch, facing eachother. My legs were crossed and I was sitting in between Zayn's sprawled out legs.

"Okay. Truth or Dare?" Zayn asked me.

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