Chapter 54- You're not making this easy.

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Kyler's POV

The week at Myrtle Beach was horrible. The first day we went to Hannah's house, talking to Austin because Hannah practically disappeared the whole time. They both just gave me the most worried looks when I left. They know everything and I really don't think they believed I loved Nathan. They see right through me but luckily Nathan doesn't. We also gave them our new flat address. The second day we went to Nathan's house and packed all of his stuff. I had to face his father who actually likes me, and his mother that literally hates my guts for what I 'did to Nathan.' He killed my brother for crying out loud! We stayed at their house and had dinner with them. The third day we stayed in an expensive hotel and I got to see Boe but Nathan wouldn't let me out of his sight to talk to him. He gave me the same sad eyes Hannah did. The rest of the days were spent at the hotel doing absolutely nothing except listening to Nathan talk about our 'wedding.' I haven't even looked at dresses because then it will actually become real.

Now we were on the plane home and I was glad. I didn't like being in Myrtle Beach, their were too many bad memories and London was supposed to be my starting over. But my past came back to haunt me. I know Lucas wouldn't be very happy about this but I'm protecting the one person I actually love.

Speaking of Liam, One Direction are apparently writing a new album called 'Midnight Memories' which I am so excited to hear. It comes out a day before my birthday and I will definitely be buying it regardless of what Nathan says. I've also bought their perfume which is absolutely amazing and I hide it in my suitcase at all times.

I actually tried to text Louis the other day to congratulate him on everything but something happened and it wouldn't let me send a message to him or call him. Nothing. I am pretty sure Nathan blocked all of them and it upsets me but what can I do?

"Attention Passengers. The plane will now be landing in London, England. Please buckle your seatbelts." The announcer person said, awaking me from my thoughts.

I sighed and buckled my seatbelt, waiting until we landed.

Once we had landed, me and Nathan got off and went in the airport, getting our luggage and leaving the airport.

I was so glad to be home. Even though the paparazzi has been doing crazy lately because of Liam and I, I would rather be in London than anywhere else.

Nathan drove us to his flat, well, ours, and he unpacked his stuff. I had very slowly begun to unpack, but I really didn't want to because then I would have to believe all of this wasn't a dream. Nathan keeps asking why I don't unpack, and I just tell him I'm tired and he usually shrugs it off.

After Nathan was done, he left to go to the gym and I was left alone. He said he would bring home dinner and I decided I should probably clean up even though there's not much to clean and then I'll go grocery shopping or something. 

I vacuumed and swept the kitchen, and I did the few dishes we had. I also picked up all the trash before changing into skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. I let my hair out of its ponytail so I could put a beanie on before slipping on my toms and walking out the flat door with my phone and money. I took my engagement ring off and stuck it in my pocket since I literally hated it and kept on walking.

I walked to the nearby grocery store and picked up milk, bread, frozen pizzas, eggs, and Nathan's favorite potato chips. I also picked up the latest magazines so I could be updated on my friends.

I slightly hummed to What Makes You Beautiful as I walked to our flat with bags in hand.

"Need a hand?" A male voice asked behind me. A boy with jet black hair and bright blue eyes came up beside me as I almost reached my flat.

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