Chapter 33- Breakfast.

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Kyler's POV

"Kyler." Liam's voice rung through my ears, waking me up. I wiped my eyes, trying to get used to the daylight's brightness.

I finally managed to open my eyes, Liam's face right in front of me, his arms around my waist as we laid down in the bed. "Hi." I smiled. "Good morning, beautiful." He smiled back, pecking me on the lips.

"Come on. I'm taking you to breakfast."

"Okay." I smiled, sitting up in the bed. I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower, getting out and wrapping a towel around me. I walked in the bedroom to get clothes since I forgot to get them earlier, and Liam was gone. I guess he was in the shower.

I locked my door so no one would come in, putting on denim shorts and a crop top, putting my hair in a high messy bun, then slipping on my black vans. I brushed my teeth, then I settled on light makeup and waited for Liam to get out of the shower.

When he came back in, he had drips of water falling from his hair, and a towel hung loosely around his waist. I covered my eyes as he changed. And when he got done, he was wearing a grey V-neck and jeans, along with Converse.

"Ready?" He asked me, holding his hand out. I gladly took it, lacing our fingers together as we walked downstairs where Tori, Niall, Hannah, and Austin were sitting in the living room.

"So...." Tori said as she saw us.

"So?" I said.

"Are you guys back together?"

"Nope. Just friends." I smiled.

"WHAT?! WE DID ALL THAT WORK FOR NOTHING AND-" I interrupted Tori's tantrum by holding up our intertwined hands as she sighed in relief. "Oh. Never mind. Carry on." She calmed down, causing me and Liam to burst out in laughs.

We smiled as we said our goodbyes and walked out the door.

We decided on walking, since it was a nice day. We walked for a while until we reached a little café that didn't look too crowded so we might not get noticed.

We sat in a little booth in a corner, as a waitress came to our table. She looked about my age, maybe a year or two older. She had beautiful blonde locks that were up in a ponytail, and blue eyes. She looked awfully familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She pulled the order sheet out of her apron and then glancing at us.

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU-" She started loudly before Liam cut her off.

"Yes, love. But, please be quiet. We just want a peaceful day." He said giving her a warm smile.

"Okay. I'm sorry. What can I get for you?" She smiled. Me and Liam both ordered our drinks and then she walked away to go get them.

"She's nice." I smiled, looking at Liam who was on the opposite side of the table.

"Yeah. She is." He smiled back.

She came back with our drinks pretty quickly, then taking our orders. Liam got pancakes with bacon and eggs on the side, and I got chicken and waffles.

"Anything else for you?" She smiled.

"Nope, I don't think so. Thank you." I smiled, as Liam agreed.

She started walking away, but finally turned around and walked back over to us.

"I hate to interrupt your meal, but c-can I have a picture with you?" She asked sweetly.

She pulled out her phone. "Do you want me to take it for you?" I asked her. She looked at me and grinned. "Nope. You're getting in it too."

"That isn't necessary. I'm not famous." I answered.

"You might not be famous, but I still love you as much as I love them. Just like I love Tori and Justice and Kenia. I also like Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie, but they just weren't meant for you. Kyler, you guys are really strong for taking the chances of dating them. I read what people say about you on Twitter and I think it's absolutely disgusting what they think of you." She said.

"Thank you. That means a lot." I gave her a smile.

"Now get in here." She said, as we all sat in Liam's booth. She was in the middle of us. She clicked the camera app on our phone and turned it to the front camera. We took 2 pictures, one where we were all smiling, and another one where Liam was kissing her cheek, and both of us were making goofy faces. When we finished, we pulled out our phones and followed her on Twitter.

"This is sort of weird and I know you probably won't do it, but would you mind letting me take pictures of both of you together? Like doing whatever you want to." She said.

"Of course." Liam said.

She took five pictures of me and Liam. The first one we were both smiling, the second one we were looking at each other and smiling, the third one he was kissing my cheek, the forth one I was kissing his cheek. And the last one, we kissed, my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist. It wasn't a long kiss. Just long enough to take the picture.

It was then I noticed a diamond ring on her left finger. At looked like an engagement ring, and I could of sworn I had seen it before. "Engaged?" I asked her, which caused her to get upset, confusing both me and Liam. "This is kind of personal, but he kind of died a few years ago."

It was then it all came to me. The blonde hair, blue eyes, the ring.

It was Peyton, my brother's fiancee that I only met a few times.

"Peyton?" I asked her. She looked at me.

"Kyler? Is that really you? You've changed so much! I just thought it was a coincidence when I saw your name on a magazine."

I jumped up and hugged her. "How have you been?" I asked. "Well, I've been better, how about you?"

"I'm great at the moment." I smiled looking at Liam as he stood up and intertwined our hands.

"Well, I gave to get back to work. It was nice seeing you, again Kyler. Lucas would have been proud of you. And please tell your dad I said hello and I miss him when you get back."

I nodded, smiling, as Liam paid, not letting me pay, and we walked out the door.

"Wanna talk about it?" Liam asked.

"Maybe when we get back. I think I'm gonna take a walk. You can go to the beach house." I smiled.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He asked.

I shook my head no, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a short and sweet kiss. "Be careful" he said in my ear.

"Always. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too, Kyler." We shared one more kiss before going in different directions.

I walked for a while, then going to the pier, something that always use to soothe me.

I walked all the way to the edge, where it's usually the most crowded, but it wasn't today because it was about to storm.

I did what I always use to do that I could get in trouble for, jumping up on the railing, and leaning against one for the poles on the pier, bending my knees up, and making sure to keep my balance so I wouldn't tumble in the water.

I watched the ocean waves for a while, until I heard a boom of thunder, and a drop of rain fall onto my skin.

I smiled, man I love storms.


Filler chapter.

It sucks. Leave me alonnneeeeeeee. Don't judge me.

Well, I love you.

Thanks for reading.


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