Chapter 23- America again.

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-2 Weeks Later-

Kyler's POV:

I grabbed my suitcase and my purse, locking my flat door and shutting the door. I decided to go live with Hannah and Austin for a month or two, because it's best for me. For everyone.

I'm still completely hurt, and I've been ignoring Harry's calls and texts. There were so many that it got to the point, I just put my phone in my bag ignoring it. Everyone would visit me everyday, and everyday Liam would give me a single rose, and kiss me on the cheek. I didn't think much of it since he doesn't like me, and we're just friends.

Everyone was out to dinner right now, so I snuck in their flat with the key they gave me, and I set my letter down on the kitchen counter, and I left. I wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I walked into the elevator, and right before the door shut, Harry walked in. Great.

"Kyler. Can we talk?" He said, nervously.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice. So, sure." I murmured, keeping my head looking towards the floor, avoiding eye contact. But, I could feel his gaze on me.

"I'm so sorry. But, she kissed me and-"

"You kissed back. I thought you were different. But, you're just like him." I said back, regretting my words.

"Who? And I'm different than you think, Kyler. I really am."

"No one." I mumbled, lying.

"Please, Kyler. I just want another chance. I...I love you." He said, leaning down to kiss me, but I turned my head, pulling away.

Right as the elevator dinged, I responded with the words, "I can't. I..I-I'm sorry." And then walked away.

The only person that knew where I was going was my dad. And Hannah and Austin, of course.

I got a cab to the airport and by the time I got there, I was sobbing. I grabbed my bags and my ticket, heading inside the airport to wait for my plane.

"Flight 48 to South Carolina is now boarding. Flight 48." The announcer said.

But, my legs felt like jelly and I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't know but I feel like I shouldn't go back. Guess it's too late now.

I walked into my plane, taking a seat where I was supposed to which was luckily a window seat. But, as soon as we were off of the ground, I remembered why I left in the first place. He's there. The person that ruined me was there, back in the place I'm from, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I loved living at the beach.

Austin and Hannah live in a house right on the beach. As soon as we landed, hours later, I trembled in fear as I realized I was close to him. Nathan.

Calm down Kyler, he can't hurt you anymore. He's in jail, remember?


Harry's POV

As soon as Kyler left the elevator, I realized that I could never get her back. But, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I messed up beyond repair, and nothing will fix it. I broke her even more than she already was.

I didn't even want to go anywhere anymore. So, I pressed the top floor button and went back into my flat.

Everyone was there, except for Liam. And what I saw, was teary eyed girls and boys threatening to cry as Louis clutched onto a piece of paper that I could see had Kyler's handwriting on it.

"What's that?" I asked, softly.

"Why don't you read it for yourself, Harry. She's gone." Justice sniffled. 

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