Eisuke's Daughter

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Eisuke saw to your every craving, no matter how absurd it may have been. "Chocolate ice cream and pickles..." He shuddered at the thought of preparing such a revolting meal. You were six months into your pregnancy. Eisuke had faithfully stayed by your side the whole way. Watching your body slowly change as the baby grew. Whenever you felt miserable or down on yourself he would be right there to cheer you back up and ease your troubles. No matter what, Eisuke was going to see to to it that your pregnancy would be a comfortable one.

It was your first pregnancy, everything was new to you. The first time you felt the baby kick, your whole face lit up. Eisuke was also besides himself as he eagerly placed a hand on the skin of your belly, feeling his child inside of you brought Indescribable pleasure to his face. You both made sure to study up on child rearing and somedays you even found Eisuke looking up stuff for your future child on his laptop. Eisuke wanted to make sure nothing was forgotten, he wanted to do this right and see to it everything was perfect for you and his child. There was times you would get exceptionally moody and even throw stuff at him but Eisuke never once got mad with you, he always dealt with everything calmy, putting your needs first. He didn't even seem to mind the one time you left him with a lump on his head after you threw a book at his face, of course you felt horrible that you even did such a thing, but your hormones were on the fritz and so there was times you just let it out and Eisuke was always your target of desire, much to his dismay.

You were both over the moon to be soon becoming parents. At first you were both a little uneasy about it after it cropped up so suddenly but now that you both have settled into the idea of having a child, you both wouldn't want it any other way. Eisuke changed during the course of your pregnancy, he had become a lot sweeter and more open with his feelings, you still received the occasional teasing but he would always end it with a loving kiss. Eisuke made sure to still give you the space you needed when it was required and didn't stop you from working if that's what you wished. All he wanted was the best for you and his child.

It always warmed your heart when you found Eisuke gushing about you and his child to the guys, though sometimes it seemed they had enough of his bragging as they watched with disinterest and boredom. You couldn't blame them, It wasn't like Eisuke to talk so passionately about someone else and now it just seemed like he was rubbing his happiness in their face. But still, you couldn't help but smile.

It had definitely been one hell of a ride since you first discovered your pregnancy. You never expected Eisuke to be so sweet about it. Seeing him get so excited over becoming a father made you overjoyed. You couldn't wait to see him with your child, imagining him looking at his child affectionately like that of a father, it made your heart leap inside your chest. You may have been worried about becoming a mother at first, but now, you couldn't have been more excited at the idea of becoming a parent and raising a child with your beloved. It appeared Eisuke also shared this feeling at the beginning, but as you both talked and shared in your dreams from the future, he too couldn't wait to see his child, something you both had a hand in creating. Your child was a part of the both of you and connected you together more deeply than anything else ever could. Created from the bond of your union of love, nothing could be more special than that.

There was days you would crave the most...intriguing food combinations, like the chocolate ice cream and pickles, and Eisuke would always be the one to prepare these meals for you. He didn't know how you could stomach some of your meals as the mere sight of you eating would make him want to throw up, much to your amusement. Seeing his reactions you just had to tease him, and would try offer him your food but he was always quick to refuse and would hurry to get away.

You both also made sure to regularly take photos to remember your pregnancy by. It was something the two of you would look back on with fond memories even when you are old and grey. Everything has been such a joy, any of the fear you felt at first is now practically nonexistent as Eisuke has seen to it that you were well looked after. You were so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man. In front of others he may come off as arrogant jerk who is full of himself but you knew the real him. Deep down, he was kind and thoughtful, his smile had the power to melt you inside out. Even if the whole world hated him, you would never stop loving him. You could search high and low but no matter how hard you tried, you would never find a man as wonderful as Eisuke. You got to see a side of him that no one else did, it was your special privilege as his loving wife.

You both didn't care if it was a boy or a girl as long as the child was healthy. No matter the gender, it wouldn't lessen yours or his love for the child. If there was anything you both had an abundance of, that was love. You two would shower your child in love and affection and always see to their happiness. Though you both knew that one day in the future your child would grow up and start a life of their own, as long as you both succeeded in raising them to adulthood, you would be happy. However, Eisuke did had ideas of his own as a solution to your child leaving, "Let's have another child. And after that another." Eisuke wanted to create a large family with you. To see miniature versions of you running around, to watch your children grow up together and be surrounded by one big happy family, it seemed that was what Eisuke wished for.

"Ahh, the baby...it's coming!" Time seemed to have flown by. Your water had just broke and your birthing pains had begun. Eisuke broke out into a panic, frantically racing around to gather your belongings before leading you out the door and through the hotel before getting to the car. Eisuke raced you to the hospital as fast as he could, you were amazed by just how skillful a driver he was. Eisuke was so focused, despite his speed, he made sure the drive was comfortable for you. You were breathing heavily as you held on to your belly, the time had finally come. It wouldn't be long before you set your eyes on your child for the first time.

Once at the hospital you were immediately rushed into maternity ward. Your labored screams could be heard throughout the room. Eisuke was allowed to be with you during the birth and stood by your side. Though you were in such an imesurable amount of pain that you started to scream at Eisuke for causing it in the first place. Eisuke could do nothing but watch on helplessly as his wife screamed at him, he looked troubled seeing you in such distress. It only made him more grateful that you were going through so much to bear his child, he was moved with love for you from the bottom of his heart.

Finally, the sound of the babies crying could be heard. You were so relieved, you relaxed on the bed, panting heavily. It was finally all over. The pregnancy was finished and the baby was born. The nurse wrapped your child up in a blanket before carrying it towards you and Eisuke.

You both held our breath in anticipation of what the gender would be, "Congratulations, It's a girl." The nurse with a smile on her face held the little bundle out to you. Carefully you took her into your arms, a smile crept over your face at seeing your child for the first time. You were so overwhelmed that you began to cry. Standing besides you, Eisuke gazed down at his child, his eyes shook with emotion, there in your arms was his child... Eisuke could feel all sorts of feelings building up within himself, to see his daughter, his precious child you both lovingly created, his eyes too grew wet.

Feeling tired, you lifted up the bundle in your arms to Eisuke. He wasn't sure what to do at first and began to stumble about, but you assured him he'd be just fine, he was her father after all. Eisuke hesitantly took his daughter within his arms. She was so tiny, so soft, he worried he might hold her too tight and crush her. Seeing him look so nervous trying to hold her right warmed your heart. Eisuke couldn't believe it, his daughter was right there in his arms. He gazed at her fondly, he already felt the need to protect her, his natural fatherly instincts had kicked in. Looking between his daughter and his dear wife, Eisuke truly felt blessed. This was his family, his ever so precious family. He wanted nothing more than to always see to both of your safety, if anything ever stood in the way of that there would be hell to pay. This was only the beginning of many wonderful memories you would share with Eisuke and your firstborn. Seeing the love he held for his daughter in his eyes, you knew there really was nothing to fear. Eisuke was going to make a wonderful father and you a wonderful mother. Your daughter was lucky to have such loving parents. Holding your daughter in his arms, Eisuke bent over and gently kissed you on the forehead, "I love you. Thank you for sharing in this happiness with me and showing me just what true happiness is. I could never have felt this way without you. I really was blessed the day you came into my life. ...I'll never let you go. From here on out we are always together. Together as father, mother and daughter and the many children to come." You cringed, you couldn't help but feel a little dread at those words after the exhausting birth you had just gone through. "You are...my family." Eisuke truly found where he belonged, and that was by your side, you had become the most valuable thing in his life, far greater than all the treasures in the world. No money could ever equal your value for you were priceless and his alone.

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