The Bidders And The Skateboard

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Eisuke: You had just bought a new skateboard and wanted to give it a spin. You dragged Eisuke along and headed to a quiet street. This was your first time you had ever tried something like so you were a bit nervous but watching the stunts people perform on TV had you really wanted to give it a go. Eisuke quietly watched as you attempted to get on the skateboard but no sooner than you do are you tossed from the board and fallen on your butt with a 'yelp'. Eisuke could hardly stifle his laughter while you stood up looking indignant as you rubbed your sore bottom. Frustrated you pushed the skateboard to Eisuke and told him to give it a try and he confidently accepted; reckoning he could do a far better job. But no sooner does he eat his words as he too falls off just as fast but instead of landing on his butt- he face planted in the ground leaving him quite the scuff marks on his face. Now it was your turn to stifle your laughter while also be concerned if he was okay; it was just too funny. After that, the skateboard was never seen again. It was rumored to have been used for firewood. 

Soryu: You excitedly showed Soryu your new toy and wanted him to come try it out with you and so you both went to a nearby park. Soryu wasn't comfortable with having you ride something potentially dangerous but you assured him you'd be fine. You tested the skateboard with your feet a couple of times before getting on. With a push you started moving forward and slowly picked up the pace. Everything looked to be going well until a corner came up but you didn't know how to slow down or get the board to turn. You panicked and letting out a small cry you went flying from your board and flew through the air like superman before landing in the nearby grass. Soryu immediately come running over in a fluster and luckily you were okay; just a few cuts and scratches. Not trusting you to ride the board anymore, Soryu decided to give it a go himself and to your surprise he maneuvered it flawlessy; taking corners at top speed with no fear of being thrown off. You couldn't believe your dissatisfaction at this outcome. Soryu enjoyed it so much that he decided to keep the board for himself as he thought it was safer that way; plus he was having too much fun to give it back. 

Ota: Thinking it would be harmless fun you decided to buy yourself a skateboard. Upon showing Ota you were surprised he had actually taken an interest in your new toy. Together, the two of you set out to a park where you were able to ride bikes and skateboards. Ota almost looked eager to have a turn on the skateboard but of course it was yours so you were going to go first. Ota teased you saying you probably don't even know how to use it and don't get yourself hurt but you just shrugged those remarks off and boasted that you'd be fine. You set out on the skateboard and to your surprise- and Ota's- you really could ride it. You had perfect control over the board abd were enjoying the wind against your face. Seeing how much fun you were having was making Ota jealous and he couldn't wait for his turn. Once you finally had enough, Ota was now up. But much to his dismay he could barely even stay on the board long enough to get it moving. But not wanting to be bested by you, especially after what he previously said, Ota didn't give up and kept on trying; only to fall down time and time again. By the end he was covered in so many cuts and bruises you thought you would need to deliver emergency first aid on him but thankfully he finally admited defeat before he ended up in the hospital. That day you took home one sad, defeated little puppy. 

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