Chapter 6

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I questioned, staring at the sleeping girl on the couch of the apartment.

She opened her eyes slowly letting the sun bring her to consciousness.

She groaned, she reminded me of her brother as she lay there half asleep.

"It's noon, I've got an art exhibit to fly to in New York, your brother is gone to the Mansion do you want to go to New York with me?"

Her eyes darted quickly up at me
"How do you just casually ask somebody to go to New York?"

"Do you want to go to New York.... Please?"
I smiled

"Of course, you think I would turn that down?!"
She rose from the couch basically ready to run out the door in her pajamas.

"Change first, we'll be in my private jet"
I smiled.

I texted Kyle letting him know where I was taking his little sister, and frankly I was kinda glad we were hanging out, for 14 she wasn't that bad of company, I liked her smart ass comebacks she had for everything. She didn't care.

"You have so much money"
Brooke announced as we were getting into the limo.

Between the family I rarely even spent my divided portion much less the whole thing.

"Maybe you can get into art and I can put in a word for you"

"Like a collaboration"

"When the calm meets the storm"
Brooke spoke.

"I'd likely be the storm"

"But the calm is just - I want to get out of my comfort zone"
Brooke crossed her arms.

"I'll let you be the storm but you have to do one thing for me"


I thought back to the night at the painting I bought Reagan, an how everyone views art differently, we all give it our own perspective.
"Tonight at the art gallery, I want you too tell me what pieces mean to you"

"Like how they make me feel?"

I shrugged
"Tell me the story you feel like the picture tells"

She nodded after that and kept quiet, I liked watching Brooke become lost in ideas and things she had to handle, she always had a plan no matter what, and she'd try her best to achieve it. She reminded me so much of Kyle, and I think one day she could follow her dreams in art, or in acting or stand up comedy.

I'd always know that whatever she did she would sit silently an think before each decision, before each move.

The private jet quickly took us to New York where Brooke an I fought through crowds of people during rush hour, thankfully when I mentioned 'move I'm going to puke' everyone created a path for me.

I pulled Brooke inside the epix hotel and smiled at the receptionist who knew that Copeland got the best of anything here.

I was a regular.

"Art gallery tonight?"

I smiled glancing at Brooke who was stuffing her pockets with brochures
"Yes, i couldn't miss it"

She smiled an handed me a key, one of the suites with whatever we wanted.

"How do they give you wine, you're 17"

"And renting hotels"

"My father, it's all my father"

"When your rich you get everything man"
Brooke chuckled taking in the view of the city from the giant window.

"Not everything"

"Pretty much"

"When's the last time you seen Kyle?"

She turned around an raised an eyebrow
"Last night"

"I see Cameron an Leah the minimum of one year at a time"


"Leah is in Paris, Cameron is in Brazil as of a few days ago"
I bit my lip.

I didn't want to ruin the mood but I just didn't want her to think money and luxury was everything a person could want.

I'd love to sit in a living room in a home, not a house, a home.. And play Yahtzee and smile and laugh, but that was never going to happen.

The Copeland family believed money was what we needed, an the more we had the merrier.

"Wanna go tour the city?"
Brooke asked, taking me from my trance.

I nodded smiling softly and stood from the side of the bed. We had just arrived not even an hour ago and the gallery wasn't for hours.


I glanced to the right side of me replaying the night I met Reagan, her dark brown hair an her smile that created a blush almost everytime.

I stared at all the artwork and noticed quite a few pieces that could have very different perceptions, and Brooke was about to get a run for her word.

"This one"
I pointed.

It was a painting of a city with half the buildings complete an the other half still in the process of being built.

"Well, you build the city, not all at once, you can see to the core of a structure, learning it's parts"

I nodded at her answer
"It could be as simple as 'beautiful things don't happen in a day'"

"You're better at this"
She pouted

"Cause I'm into art, I am around art everyday, it's my passion, I could literally bleed paint, like my bones are paintbrushes"

She smiled shaking her head.
"That's stupid"

"What about this one"
I continued walking pointing to a girl holding an umbrella where the rain was under her umbrella an the dry ground was all around it.

"She tries to keep herself protected but it always ends up backwards"

"Now you tell me yours"
Brooke smiled.

"She tries to protect herself, she is guarded and the rain represents everything in her life she tries to get through or keep from and she fails, but she's walking so she keeps going, she just keeps - going"

Brooke shook her head
"I hate you"

I laughed and turned walking away letting Brooke follow me.
"You can't judge your preservative over mine, it's not a competition"

"But yours was so much better"

"You have to live in the paint, feel the colors, bright colors, dark colors"

I pointed to the last painting and stood behind her.
"Tell me what this painting is"

Brooke exhaled and rubbed her hands together.
The painting was of a brain with black lines creating a tangled mess and on the otherwise was light an peace and the sense of calmness.

"There troubled, they live in a dark place sometimes but then they always come back to the lighter place, the place were things make sense, and then you fade to the blackness an you can't find your way, you can't find your light so your just stuck"

I nodded, feeling like she connected with this painting more than the last two.
"That was good, I could really feel the painting as you told me"

She smiled brightly and nodded
"Thanks for bringing me tonight"

"Of course, I usually come alone but, I just feel like I need company for these things now"

We both walked slowly towards the exit out into the lit city.

I texted Kyle assuring him Brooke was still safe, even after all the junk food she had bought, she was safe.

I quickly clicked on Reagan's name an texted her about next week. Maybe one day she can venture of with me in my jet and we can go exploring.

-I'll see you then.

-see you then
I replied, smiling at myself.

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