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I sat on the cold bathroom floor in Brooklyn's bathroom. Tears ran down my cheeks and my eyes were probably all puffy and red.

My hands shook as I held the pregnancy test in my hands. I cried even harder by the minute.

* knock * * knock *

"Sweetie are you okay?" I heard a soft voice say through the door. I sniffled and quickly hid the test and got up to open the door. "Oh sweetie! What's wrong?!" Victoria said worried about me.

"Uh yeah, it's nothing..." I said. Trying to avoid looking at Victoria. "No, tell me. You can tell me anything darling!" She said sweetly. "I don't want you to be mad at me..." I whispered. "It's not like you're pregnant or anything..." I looked down. "Right...?" she whispered. I frowned and looked up into her eyes. "Go get it" she said. I huffed and went into the bathroom.

"Here.." I said and handed her the test. "Oh my goodness..." she gasped. I just cried. "Oh honey!" she said sadly and pulled me into a hug.

"Is it Brooklyn's..?" she whisper asked. I nodded and sniffled. "Wait that means you..." she trailed off at the end. "Uh yeah... I'm sorry... I mean we're teenagers and i guess were lost in the moment?" I said. "Mhm..." she agreed. "You have to tell him you know.." She said. "I know... but I'm afraid he's gonna be mad at me..." I said as a tear ran down my cheek. "Aw honey! don't be scared. I'm sure he will still love you and the baby." She said. I smiled a bit. "Thanks Victoria" I said and smiled. l"No problem. Now go tell him" she encouraged. "Tell me what?" I heard a British accent ask. I turned and saw Brooklyn at the door. Victoria handed me the test behind my back.

I put it in my back pocket and pulled my shirt down over it. "I'll leave you two alone." Victoria said and scurried out of the room. "Tell me what..?" he asked again. "Umm.. I have some news..." I whispered. "So do i..." he said. "Uh here, let's say it at the same time" Brooklyn suggested. "Ok.." I said. "1, 2, 3" I said.

"I think we should break up"
"I'm pregnant"

I stood there in shock. "W-what?" we both managed to choke out. "I-I'm pregnant.. with your kid." I said and cried even more. "No... no, no, no... No!" He screamed. I flinched and backed away. "This can't happen y/n!" he raised his voice. "Brooklyn stop... you're scaring me..." I whispered slowly backing away. His eyes softened. "Y/n please, I-I didn't mean to!" he said and stuttered a bit. "Please don't hurt me.." I said and backed away to a corner. I saw pure sadness in his eyes. "Y/n please... I didn't mean to!" he pleaded. I shook my head. "Maybe it's best if we do break up..." I whispered and ran out of the room. "Y/N!" I heard Brooklyn yell. I shook my head and ran out of the house grabbing my converse.

* Brooklyn's POV *

I lost her. I can't believe I did that... I never ever wanted to scare her. And she said "Please don't hurt me.." that broke my heart into a million pieces... This hurt like hell.

The reason why I said that we should break up, is because... it's because I have another girlfriend... Chloe.

I don't know what I was thinking! I'm just a stupid hormonal teenage boy wanting to get laid... again? I don't know... but I do know that I fucked up BIG TIME.

I dropped to my knees crying my heart out, or what's left of it...

"Sweetie.. What happened?" My mum came in and sat next to me. "She-She left..." I cried. "And I didn't stop her! I scared her! You know how much it hurts to see that one I love scared of me?!" I yelled. "Brooklyn calm down.." my mum tried to soothe me. "No! I can't calm down! I lost her! I lost the only girl I've ever loved!!" I yelled and ran out of the house. "Brooklyn!" I heard mum tell after me. I just ran and grabbed my penny board.

I skated down over to me and Y/n's special place. I sniffled and sat down on the grass and looked out at the sunset.

I lost the thing I loved the most...


Oh my god that gave me chest pains.. anyone else ??? Oh gosh... okay.

Vote for part 2! * 5 votes *

Also keep voting for my 'He cheats on you' Imagine for a part 2 or a You Cheat On Him Imagine!

That's All!😘♥️

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