Rumors pt. 2

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Hi guys, I just wanted to say that I love Chloë Grace Mortez, I'm just using her for this story. ♥️


Who would do such a thing?

"Y/n." Brooklyn came around the corner, "What?" I answered. "I think I know who spread the rumor." "Who?" I asked curiously. "Chloe.......... I have to go talk to her" he said. "No..... please Brooklyn you can't..." I cried. "It's the only way to stop this rumor!" he almost yelled. "Fine. Go!" I snapped and ran up to our room.

• Brooklyn •

I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door.

* at Chloe's house *

"Chloe we need to talk" I said barging in her house. "About what?" she said all innocently, "About this rumor!" I raised my voice and yelled. "What about it?" she asked while feeling my arms. (a/n: lol that sounds weird) "You need to confess and say that you spread the rumor and make it stop!" I said getting agitated. "And why would I do that" she said back. "You do it because I'm asking you too.. please" I said. "Only under one condition.... you have to let me do whatever I want to you" she replied tugging at my shirt. "Promise you'll stop the rumor if I agree?" I hesitated to ask. "Mhmm" she moaned and slowly took off my shirt. "Damn... have you been working out?!" she squealed. I didn't respond though. She then took my hand and led me up to her room. She then pushed me on her bed. "C'mon brookie loosen up... it's not like we haven't done  this before" she said and crawled on top of me. Maybe I should loosen up a bit....

Chloë's POV

I started kissing him and while he was distracted I got my phone and pressed record😈

I then put it down and continued the make out session. I started to undo Brooklyn's jeans and then slid them off. I did the same with he underwear until I saw his member. He then took of my clothing faster than you could even say hi. His hands roamed my body and I straddled him. I slowly placed his member inside me and adjusted to his large size. "Mmm I missed this" I moaned. "M-Me too..." he managed to moan. "Mm am I better than that y/n?" I asked him the  kissing him. "Mmm yes baby" he moaned back. "Moan for me baby" I said. "He let his moans out and I smirked. "Good boy" I said and started going faster. "Ah Chloeee" he moaned my name. I bit my lip and moaned back. "Chloe I love you" he said suddenly. "I love you too brookie" I said back.

*3 hours later*

Brooklyn went home already and I went on Twitter.

@ChloeGMortez : That was fun😉 @brooklynbeckham .

I Then took the piece of the video of him saying "Chloe I love you" and attached that to the tweet.


And now I'll wait until y/n sees it.

Y/n's POV

I looked at the tweet Chloe sent out and listened to the attachment with it. And my heart broke yet again because of this boy. This boy that I love... well maybe.

"Babe I'm back!" Brooklyn yelled and came upstairs. "Don't call me that.." I said to him but not even looking at him.. I was pissed. "What?" he asked. "Check your Twitter you asshole" I said and stormed out.

After I while I was going to go back to get my charger for my phone but heard Brooklyn on the phone.

B: Chloe! you recorded us having sex?!

b: Why?!

B: Chloe you have to take that down!

b: Do it!

B: I did enjoy it a little...

b: I can't do that to y/n

my heart fluttered.

B: Well....

and then it sunk knowing what he was going to say.

b: I'll meet you there in 5 minutes. Bye love you too

Shit. That hurt.  The door opened and I quickly hid from him.

I guess Brooklyn didn't really love me....


awe. I felt really awkward writing this and I wanted to say that I got the most reads on the dirty imagine..... so comment if you want more of those since you thirsty girls obviously like them😂


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