Over Protective Daddy

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Brooklyn and I were sat on the couch catching up with (your favourite tv program). Our 15 year old daughter is about to go out on her first date. Of course I didn't tell Brooklyn. (Y/d/n) is such a daddy's girl and knew he wouldn't let her so she asked me instead.
She came downstairs in skinny jeans, a crop top and a leather jacket. Brooklyn turned around.
"And where do you think you're going missy?" He says.
She looks and me, I nod "I'm going on a date daddy" she says carefully and slowly.
He blinks a phew times. "I'm sorry what?"
"I said I'm going on a date daddy" she says again repeating herself.
He looks at her hotrified. "No you're not" he says bluntly.
"But da-"
"Not buts (y/d/n) you're not going" he says turning back to the tv wrapping an arm around me. I pushed him away.
"Brooklyn why can't she go I've already told her she can go"
"And I said no (y/n) and that's final. I don't want my baby girl to get hurt" he says.
"Cmon dad" (y/d/n) says as the door bell rings.
"That would be him, so dad please can I go?" She gives him the puppy dog eyes and I smile her eyes reminding me of her fathers.
"Fine but back before 9 and if he hurts you, you call me straight away" he says letting put a sigh.
She smiles from ear to ear jumping around and hugged him.
"Thank you so much daddy, bye!" She says walking out the door.
I turn to Brooklyn. "She'll be okay" and he smiles kissing my lips.

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