Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A/N: hey guys this is one of my first fanfics and i kinda liked the idea of Kid having a sister his age so i just created this story. I hope you enjoy it, i'd love to hear your opinions!  PS; I do not own any Soul Eater characters! This is merely something I created from my own mind! 

ENJOY!!! :)

Lord Death POV

I can't sleep. Today was a long day and I just wanted to get a good night sleep. But I kept worrying, I knew everything was fine and if I got up to check then everything would still be fine, but I couldn't help it. I knew I wouldn't fall asleep if I didn't check again.

I got up and walked across the hall to the other bedroom. I walked in and went towards the back wall. Inside a large black crib with painted skulls, were my two 1-month-old children Kid and Luna. Kid was my youngest, but not by much. 

When Luna was born she was always lonely, so a few days after she was born, I had Kid. Since they are basically just pieces of my soul, they both have tremendous power hidden inside them. I hope to enroll them both at my academy for Meisters and Weapons so they can learn how to use their powers to fight and defend.

I smiled under my mask and looked at them sleeping together under the same blanket. They were snuggled up against each other as always. Ever since they were born they always wanted to be with each other. They never fought with each other like normal siblings do at their age.

Now that I knew they were still okay, I went back to bed and finally got a good night sleep.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! i know it was short, so lemme know if you want me to post more! I have more chapters prepared but i just want to see how people react to the first chapter, even though its pretty boring and irrelevant. 

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