Chapter 3: Who Are They?

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story. 

Lord Death POV

I woke up to someone trying to contact me through my mirror. I gently put Luna next to Kid and quietly walked to my home my home office. When I answered, it was my two closest friends and most trusted death scythes, Spirit Albarn and Professor Stein. I hadn't really seen them since Kid and Luna were born. I don't think I had told them why either.

"Hello sir." Spirit said.

"Hello Spirit! What can I do for you?" I replied to him.

"Well sir, we were, um, j-just wondering........" He stuttered.

"We were wondering when you were coming back to the academy." Stein said in his usual monotone voice.

"Oh? Didn't I tell you why I had to leave in the first place?"

They both just shook their heads.

"Well, the reason is, I-"

I was cut off by a faint coughing coming from the living room. I rushed towards it, leaving Spirit and Stein in confusion and curiosity. I entered the living room to find Luna and Kid sitting on the couch holding each other tight. They looked sad and a little scared. I quickly picked them up and laid them against me, holding them close. I went back to my mirror where Spirit and Stein were still confused. When they saw what I was holding, let's just say I had never seen such a surprised expression!

"S-sir? Are those, y-your........?" Spirit asked shocked.

"Yes, these are my children. Say hello to Kid and Luna."

As I said that I put Kid and Luna in my cupped hands and faced them towards Spirit and Stein. Soon they made direct eye contact. I think each of them was surprised to see the other. Kid and Luna giggled at my scythes' confusion. Spirit kind of giggled back, and Stein tried to hide his smile, but I saw it.

After some explaining about Kid and Luna and me leaving the academy temporarily, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I took Kid and Luna into the living room and sat down on the couch. I put them on the floor next to the couch. They stared up at me and pouted a little. Kid reached up towards my face. What was he reaching for? After trying to stand, and then falling, he got frustrated and started whimpering. Tears started running down his sweet little cheeks. I reached toward my face. My mask! I forgot I had it on! I quickly took it off and put it on the table. I then picked him up and gently rubbed his back.

"Shh, shh, its ok Kiddo! Papa's got his little man." I then felt Luna tug on my cloak. She was on the verge of tears. I picked her up and put her in my other arm. "Don't cry Luna, Papa's got his little girl too." I said to her soothingly. "I guess my mask isn't your favorite thing in the world huh?" I said and hugged them both tightly.

Before I knew it it was 7:10. I got Kid and Luna washed up and dried off. I then dressed Kid in a black onesie with a skull that looked like my mask on it, and Luna in a black night dress with black onesie leggings. Her dress also had a skull on it. Pretty much all of their clothes were black and had a skull on it. I've tried to dress them in something other than black, but that's all they will let me dress them in unless it's their white jackets.

When I walked up to their room, I put them in their crib,but they began to whimper. They looked up at me and reached towards me.

"What's wrong? You don't wanna sleep in your own room tonight?" They just reached further. Luna started whimpering softly and Kid had tears running down his face. I couldn't say no to this. I picked them both up and walked to my bedroom. Kid wrapped his arms around my neck and Luna buried her face in my shoulder.

When I got to my room I set them both down on my bed and went around the corner to change. When I got back they were practically falling asleep sitting up. I laid down in the middle of the bed, putting Luna on my chest and Kid right next to me with his arms around me. I pulled the blanket up to cover all 3 of us and softly hummed something gentle to them. After a little while I heard them both breathing softer, so I knew they were asleep. I eventually dozed off myself with my 2 precious children snuggled against me.

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