Chapter 28: A Promise is a Promise

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"Liz! Patty! Weapon forms!" I shouted to my twin weapons.
"Right!" They both said simultaneously. They both jumped forward and landed in my hands as pistols. Ran forward, shooting the targets in front of me. Even if this was just training, I still gave it my all.

After I had shot every target in the room, straight in the bullseye, I went into the living room to relax a bit. Liz and Patty turned back to human form and did the same. Then I heard Dad contacting me through the mirror. I got up and answered.

"Hey Kiddo! Did you finish your training already?" He asked.
"Hello Dad. Yes I did." I replied.
"Great! Say, you don't have any other plans for later today, do you?"
"No, I don't believe so, why?" I asked curiously.
"Oh, no reason. Just wondering, that's all." Ok?
"Anyway, I should get back to work! See ya later Kiddo!"
"Good bye Dad."

Then I turned around and saw Liz and Patty look at each other with a small grin on their faces. What was going on?

Later on I went to look for Liz and Patty. I found them in their bedroom giggling about something.

"Would you girls like to go out for lunch? My treat." I asked them. Their smiles returned and they both looked at me.

"Actually Kid, we had something else in mind." Liz said trying to be serious.
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously. Was this what they were giggling about?
"Just come with us!" Patty laughed. I followed them outside. We ended up walking to the academy.
"Girls what's going on here? Why are we at the academy?" I questioned. Then I felt Patty put her hands over my eyes and Liz turn me left. After a couple minutes I was starting to get very curious.

"Liz, Patty! What's going on?" I asked again.
"Hold on Kid! It's a surprise!" Liz said putting her hand on my shoulder. Then I heard Dad's voice from beside me.

"Ok girls, I think we're ready." He said to Liz and Patty.
"Ready for what? Dad, what's happeni-"
Then Patty lifted her hands from my eyes.

I was standing about 30 feet from the gate. The open gate. And standing in the gateway, was Luna.

My heart dropped. I took a sharp intake of breath. Luna stood there, a smile growing on her face. I started walking slowly towards her. She did the same. Then we started running towards each other. By now I had tears building behind my eyes.

"Kiddo-kun!!" She yelled. We ran into each others arms and held each other tight. I wrapped my hands around her back and didn't let go. She started crying which made me start crying.

I put one hand behind her hair and pulled her closer.

"I missed you so much..." I whispered.
"I told you I would come back,I promised. And a promise is a promise." She whispered back. She pulled away and kissed my cheek, which was already tearstained. She had a tear running down her cheek which I wiped away with my thumb. Then I pulled her into my arms and picked her up. She squealed when I did since it was by surprise. Then we both started laughing and walked back to Dad and the girls.

She ran up to him and hugged him for a while.

"So this is the secret sister of Death the Kid?" Liz said smiling as she walked up from behind me.
"Yes. Her name is Luna. We haven't seen each other since we were 5." I said, tears still running down my cheeks. Liz wrapped her arms around my neck from behind me and wiped them away with the back of her hand.

"Well, now you can make up for lost time." She said softly. I put my hands on hers and smiled.

Then I looked over to see Stein walking over from the gate. I grinned and walked towards him, Liz standing where she was. We walked up to each other and smiled. He kneeled down and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back after not seeing him for 8 years.

Now our family was whole again.

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