Chapter 17: The Last Day

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story. 

Luna POV

Today the 3 of us just spent the whole day together. We walked around the academy. I mentally said goodbye to everything inside. When we had walked around the whole place we went out for lunch, and by the time we finished there it was 3:32, so we just walked around town. I mentally said goodbye to everything there too. When we got home we all went into the living room. I sat on the floor and Kid leaned up against me. Papa sat on the couch behind us.

"Things are going to be so different around here." Papa said softly.

"Yeah, it's gonna be really lonely..." Kid added.
"But it's not like it's gonna be forever, right? Things will be back to normal before we know it." Papa said trying to be reassuring.
"Yeah. I'm still gonna miss you though....." Kid said sadly.

That's where I lost it. I burst into tears and buried my face in my hands. Kid did the same and just hugged me. I hugged him back, and Papa just pulled us close to him. After what felt like hours of crying, we had dinner and went to bed. Kid and I slept in Papa's bed one last time.

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