Chapter 5: Kid's Traumatic Encounter

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.

Lord Death POV

I ran to the living room and grabbed Kid and Luna who looked very confused. I rushed to my bedroom and set them in the back of my closet behind some boxes.

"Be very quiet! Don't make any noise!" I whisper-yelled. I patted them both so they knew this wasn't discipline. Hopefully they understood.

I quickly contacted Spirit and Stein and told them to come to Gallows Manor. When they got here, Spirit transformed and Stein stood beside me. We ran towards the Kishin, but in an instant he had disappeared. We looked around, but heard nothing. There was complete silence. It was only for about 30 seconds until I heard a familiar cry. I ran to the source of the sound hoping and praying it wasn't what I thought it was. But I was wrong. The Kishin had Kid.

He hovered up high so that he looked taller and more threatening. At least that's what he looked like to Kid and Luna. He held Kid by the back of his onesie, their faces just mere inches away from each other. Kid had tears streaming down his face. I checked the closet to see Luna with a tearstained face as well, still hiding behind the boxes. Kid's screams grew louder as he became more petrified. Then something came from him that I would never forget.

"P-Papa!! S-save me Papa!!" He cried between sobs. His first words. They weren't perfectly pronounced, but understandable. He looked down at me and reached towards me, his face flushed and tearstained. The Kishin looked at me too. He held Kid higher and more to the side, as if he was going to drop him. Was he? Was that his plan? I knew Kishins were evil but this was just sick. Threatening to hurt a child to gain victory? This changed everything.

Stein ran forward from behind me and attacked the Kishin by surprise, making him drop Kid. Fortunately he was able to get under him and catch him before he hit the ground. Kid looked up at Stein who smiled calmly at the terrified child in his arms. He threw his arms around Stein's neck and continued to cry into his shirt. Stein just rubbed his back gently and said soothing words to him, softly rocking him to try to calm his screams. He stroked the back of his hair gently and slowly swayed him. Kid just tightened his grip on Stein and hugged him close, burying his face in Stein's chest.

I ran forward tightening my grip on Spirit and attacked the Kishin until he was weak and frail. I attacked him one last time until he was dead and no longer a threat. I fell to my knees and stared at the ground. Spirit transformed back to human form and kneeled down next to me. There was only silence now. Stein had taken Kid to the academy to try to calm him down.

We then heard a soft sniffle coming from the closet. Spirit got up and went to see what it was. Luna was still there. She had witnessed the whole thing. He came back with Luna in his arms. She was crying now. She hugged Spirit tightly as he held her close. She began to calm down a little.

I felt tears run down my face as I mentally went through what just happened.

"Spirit." I said to him, not looking up.
"Yes sir?"
"Take Luna to the academy with Stein."
"Will you be okay sir?"
"Yes. I just... want to clean this mess up a bit"
"Okay, just contact us if you need anything." He said as he got up and walked away.

"Spirit..." I called to him before he left.

"Yes sir?" he said as I heard him pause and turn around."Just... tell Stein to check over the kids and try to get Kid to sleep before bringing him back." I said. Not what I was going to say, but I figured that would be better to discuss later."Will do sir." He said as continued walking.When he left I felt more tears run down my face. I had never witnessed anything so terrifying as seeing my own child nearly........No, I can't think about it anymore. I just need to clean up the mess. That's my job right now. The children are safe, Death City is safe.  

Nothing to worry about.

I hope.

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