Chapter 13: Sick Day

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story. 

Lord Death POV

I woke up this morning and looked at Kid. His cheeks were still flushed and he was still breathing through his mouth. I figured I had better take him to Stein.

"I hope you don't have anything bad..." I said to him even though he was still sleeping. I called Marie and asked if she could babysit Luna while I took Kid to Stein, which obviously she agreed to. I picked up Kid who was still wrapped in my cloak and took him to the academy.

When I arrived I opened the door to see Stein at his desk, looking inside his coat pocket. He was smiling at whatever was inside. He noticed me come in and immediately stood up.

"Good morning sir. You're early!" He said to me.

"Good morning Stein. The reason I'm so early is because I think Kid is sick. He's got a sore throat and a stuffy nose, and last night he had a pretty bad coughing fit. I'm worried he might have something bad. Would you mind looking at him?" I asked him.

"Sure, of course!" Stein said as he took the sleeping child from my arms. He put a blanket on the examining table and set him down on it. Kid laid all scrunched up on his stomach and Stein looked at him. I waited next to the table growing more and more concerned. After what felt like eternity, Stein looked at me and removed his glasses.

"He's just got the flu. He should be ok in a few days." He said as he started rubbing Kid's back. I was relieved all he had was the flu. I just hoped it wouldn't progress to anything worse, seeing as he was a reaper-child.

After a little while I had to go back to work. Kid was still sleeping, I gently kissed Kid's forehead and exited the room.

Stein POV

When Lord Death brought Kid in saying he was sick, it was visually clear how miserable Kid was. He had flushed red cheeks, he was breathing through his mouth, and he winced every time he swallowed.

All he had was the flu, but since he was a Shinigami, and a young one at that, his symptoms would be much worse.

After a little while he woke up. I had been sitting in front of him rubbing his back.

"P-Papa?" He said groggily.

"Nope, it's me, Stein. Papa's working, but he'll be back later." I said quietly to him. I heard what Lord Death promised him yesterday, so I wanted Kid to keep believing it.

"S-Stein?" He said slowly picking his head up.

"Yup. It's me. I heard you weren't feeling well little man."

He just shook his head.

"You still feeling yucky?" I asked him.

He slowly nodded. He reached out his arms to me so I put him on my lap so his head rested on my chest. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. He then sneezed, which was absolutely adorable.

"Bless you little man!" I said to him grinning.

"Did you have breakfast yet Kiddo?" I asked him. He shook his head and sniffled. I pressed him against my chest as I got up to get him a bottle.

When it was ready I cradled him as he held my arm as usual. A little bit dribbled down his chin so I put the bottle down to wipe it off. I guess he got the hiccups because when I went to get a paper towel he made a squeak and jumped a little. I laughed at the little noise he made and cleaned the formula from his chin. He hiccupped again and I put the bottle back in his mouth.

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