Chapter 18: "I Promise"

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story. 

Luna POV

I woke up feeling happy as usual. I mentally started planning out my day like I do every morning. Except this morning I woke up in Papa's bed in between him and Kid. Then I remembered why. That was my last night at home. I was leaving Death City today. My stomach was in a knot and I felt a wave of sadness come over me. Then Kid and Papa woke up.

Once we were all up I got dressed and looked at my bag. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I looked around the room. Kid and I had shared this room our whole lives. And this was my last time seeing it. I took everything in. I laid down on Kid's bed and buried my face in his pillow. I did the same to his blankets. Just then Kid walked in and saw me. He climbed up and laid down next to me, hugging me from behind. I put my hand on his arm and hugged him like that.

"Luna, Kid, we're going to meet up with Stein by the gate. Are you ready?" Papa asked as he walked in. We both sighed and nodded. I walked around the house for the last time, saying goodbye to every room. I went back to my room once more and said one final goodbye.

We arrived at the gate where Stein was waiting for us. I had my bag and was ready to go. Papa kneeled down and hugged me tight. I hugged him back, holding back my tears. He kissed my forehead and stood up. I looked at Kid, who was trying so hard not to cry. But it didn't work. As soon as I took his hand, I saw the tears stream down his cheeks. I pulled him into a hug. He trembled like he always does, so I hugged him tighter.

"Don't cry Kiddo! Don't cry!!" I said to him, but it was no use. We were both sobbing now. He started trembling more. I tried to make him stop trembling but it just made it worse. He had his arms under mine, which were around his neck.

"P-please d-don't leave! I-I don't want y-you to g-go!" He cried between sobs. I pulled away and took his hands.

"I'm not leaving. I'll come back! I will!"
"I don't know, but I will. I promise Kiddo, I promise, I promise, I promise!" I cried. He got a sad smile on his face and pulled me into one more hug. "I promise I'll come back." I whispered one last time.

Then I pulled away, kissed his left hand, and placed it on his heart. "Don't forget. I'm there now." I said to him. His hand shook, then clenched into a fist over his heart.
"I won't forget. I promise." He said. I smiled, kissed his nose and turned around to Stein. I took his hand and we walked out the gate. I felt the change of atmosphere as I walked out of Death City and into a new lifestyle.

Goodbye Kiddo-Kun.

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