Chapter 7: Decisions, Decisions

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.  

Lord Death POV

After I did some cleaning up, I washed up and went to the academy. I walked into the infirmary, which, strangely, was unlocked, and was shocked at what I saw.

Stein was sleeping on the couch with Kid nuzzled against him. I never thought I would see something like this happen, not in a million years! Stein, my death scythe with a creepy dissection-obsession, sleeping and comforting a scared 8-month-old child. Right then Spirit walked in holding Luna, who was sleeping peacefully in his arms. He looked at me, then Stein and Kid.

"Adorable, isn't it?" he said smiling.
"I've never seen anything like it!" I said grinning under my mask

"Definitely not something you'd expect from someone like Stein!" Spirit said as he handed me an envelope. "To keep this moment forever. There's 2 in there, one for you and one for Kid."
"Thank you Spirit."
He just smiled and looked at them again.
"Was he okay?" I asked concerned.

"Oh, when I got here they were already sleeping. I imagine he was ok though, just a little frightened." Spirit said. I sighed.
"Something wrong sir?" He asked turning to look at me.
"I just don't know how this could have happened. How did none of us know there was a Kishin in Death City? It just doesn't make sense."
"Don't worry sir, it probably just slipped past our systems. They could use a good update or two."
"Yes, but how do we know there aren't more already in the city? There could be dozens already planning an attack and we have no idea."
"Exactly sir, we don't know. That could have been the only one and we're just worrying about it for nothing. Let's just take it one step at a time." He said and looked back at Kid and Stein. "Let's start with Kid spending more time with Stein."

"What do you mean by 'spending more time with'?"

"I think it's good for both of them. Kid feels really comfortable with him, and it helps Stein with his obsession. When you're here at the academy, Kid could stay with Stein and just bond with him."
I looked at Spirit blankly.
"Please don't chop me sir it was just a suggestion I don't know why I even thought of it he is your son why would he stay with Stein all day PLEASE DON'T CHOP ME!" Spirit pleaded frantically.
"Calm down Spirit! I'm not going to hurt you, yet. I actually think it's a great idea, Kid staying here while I'm at the academy. I think it would make things a lot easier for all of us. But what about Luna?"
"Well, Miss Marie loves children, I bet she'd be glad to watch her!"

"Yes, I bet you're right. Good thinking Spirit." Spirit released a sigh of relief.

"For now, let's go just go to the Death Room and look at the security systems. We'll let these two sleep. They've both had a long day."

And with one last glance, we left the infirmary to Stein and Kid.

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