Chapter 15: What Did He Say?

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3 years later

A/N: Hey guys! Kid and Luna are now 5 years old. Even though that's really young they're pretty smart, but that's because they are Shinigami, so they develop quicker. On with the story! PS I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story. 

Luna POV

When I woke up this morning, I climbed out of bed and went over to Kid's bed. He was still sleeping, so I was quiet. I put my head next to his pillow and watched him sleep. He looked so calm and peaceful, as if nothing bad had ever happened to him. But everyone who knew Kid, knew that wasn't true. He's had so many Kishin encounters, it's amazing he's not this paranoid, freaked out kid. He's just this calm, collected, affectionate person.

I brushed his bangs out of his face and stroked his soft ebony hair. Whenever people saw us together, they would always say we looked exactly like each other. But that's because we do! The only difference is that my hair is longer and my Sanzu lines are on the right side of my head. Other than that we look exactly alike. I even wear a black suit and with a white dress shirt and skull brooch! But I wear a black pleated skirt instead of dress pants.

As I thought about this, Kid woke up and rubbed his eyes to look at me. I smiled, then he smiled.

"It's about time you woke up Kiddo!" I said to him.

"It's only 7:10, Lu! You woke up early!" He said back.

"Well, if you don't get up early, you lose time to do stuff!"
"Lu, you always wanna do stuff!"

"Because doin' stuff is fun!" I giggled.

"Yeah, but sometimes you just gotta relax!" He laughed, and jumped on top of me. We both fell on the floor laughing loudly. Right then Papa walked in and smiled at us.

"You two better get dressed so we can go to the academy!"
"Okay Papa!" I laughed. Kid stood up and pulled me up as well. We grabbed our clothes and went on our beds and turned away from each other to change. Once we finished, we went into the kitchen and got breakfast.

"Ready to go?" Papa asked.

"Yes Papa!" Kid and I said simultaneously. We put our dishes in the sink and walked out the door, hand in hand next to Papa.

We arrived at the academy and Papa kissed us both on our foreheads before we went our separate ways. Papa let's us wander around the school during the day while he works, just as long as we check in with him every once in a while and don't disturb any classes. We walked around a bit, looking at artwork and stuff on the walls. Then we went to the mission board.

"Do you think we'll ever get to do these missions Kiddo?" I asked him, still looking at the mission board.

"Of course we will Lu! When we're old enough Papa said he would bring us here so we could get to do our own missions and learn how to use our powers."
"Do you think we'll do them together?" I asked looking at him.
"Of course we will! We could probably do all of them if we wanted!" he said smiling excitedly.
After a while we decided to head to the Death Room to check in with Papa. When we were reaching the doorway, we heard Stein and Papa talking, so we quietly listened in.

"I just don't know what we're going to do. These Kishin attacks are becoming more dangerous as they are frequent. I just don't know why." Papa said with worry in his voice.
"I think I might know why." Stein said in his monotone voice.
"Yes Stein?" Papa questioned.
"The Kishins want power right? So they'll do whatever they must to get it, even if that means attacking the ones currently in charge, which would mean you."
"How do you mean?"

"Because you're a grim reaper, you have a reaper soul, which is different from normal souls. I bet the Kishin can sense your soul's wavelength to find you. Since you also have Kid and Luna, it makes it easier for the Kishin to find you, because there are 3 reaper souls to look for. If they can find one, they can find the rest." Stein explained. Papa just sighed.
"So what am I going to do? I can't just hide away their souls forever."
"Well seeing as you're bound to Death City, the Kishin might not be able to find you if there were fewer souls in the city."

"Are you saying that either Kid or Luna must leave the city?""I wish I weren't but I'm afraid that's the only option. I doubt it would have to be permanent though. Just long enough to throw the Kishin off their tracks. Then whoever left could return to Death City when it was safe."There was silence now. They were thinking it over. After a while Papa continued."I...I guess you're right."Stein stayed silent. "I have seen remarkable power inside Luna's soul." Papa said quietly. I listened in more when I heard this. What was gonna happen to me? I squeezed Kid's hand, not knowing what they were going to say. Then Papa spoke, his voice choked up."I really hate to say it, but I think she will have to leave Death City."

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