Chapter 24: The Storm

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story except Kid's sister whom I made up.

Lord Death POV

I finished up with Spirit and went to find Kid. I went up to the balcony to see him leaning over the wall. I walked up beside him to discover he was sleeping, with his arms hanging over the wall in front of him. I smiled, then picked him up and put him against my shoulder. I walked home and laid him on the couch, the gently slid his mask off and put it by his head. I walked out of the room for a minute to get a drink, then walked back to see him clutching the mask and hold it tightly against his chest. I smiled to myself and adjusted his cloak so that it covered him like a blanket.

A little while later, Kid was still sleeping. I looked out the window to see the sky had grown dark. A thick layer of clouds hovered above the city. I just stood there staring at the sky. Then I saw a quick flash, and heard a faint, but deep noise. It sounded like thunder. The wind picked up and trees were swaying to the side. Then I heard rain falling on the roof. It was sharp and quick, like hail. I didn't think it would get much worse. But I was wrong. Not long after, a crack of thunder boomed, shaking the whole house. It must have frightened Kid, because all of a sudden I heard him crying.

I rushed to the living room to find him all scrunched up, holding his mask close to his face. He saw me and reached out to me. I ran to him and quickly picked him up. He grasped me tightly and cried into my cloak.

"Shh, it's ok Kiddo! It's just a storm. It will be over soon." I said to him soothingly. He stayed close to me. I pulled him away for a second to fix his cloak, then he jumped forward again. I sat on the couch with him on my lap and slowly rocked him. I tried to get him to sleep, but the storm kept growing louder. However he did eventually stop crying, but kept his arms wrapped around me. He was just whimpering now. I kept rocking him slowly and rubbing his back to try to calm his nerves. After a while, the storm was still going strong. The wind was violently blowing the trees, the rain fell harder on the roof, and the thunder and lightning was still loud. Fortunately Kid had cried himself out and had fallen asleep again. That is, until we heard a loud crash come from a distance.

Kid woke up and quickly sat up facing the window. It startled me how fast he woke up. He stared out the window trying to figure out what the noise was.
"It's ok Kiddo. It was probably just a tree falling in the park." I told him reassuringly. I wasn't completely sure that's what it was though. I just prayed no one was hurt.

I pulled him towards me so he was laying down again. He grabbed tiny fistfuls of my cloak. I put my hand on top of his and kissed the top of his head. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes. I gently kissed his forehead again and stroked his hair.

"Don't worry Kiddo. Everything will be fine." I whispered to him. He laid his head on my heart and went back to sleep. I put his cloak around him and hugged him close.

I hoped everything would be ok. I hoped no one was hurt. I hoped Kid would return to his usual happy state. I hated to see him so depressed and miserable. It broke my heart. I missed his little giggle and his bright and happy soul.

I wanted things to go back to normal.

Death the Kid: Growing Up Symmetricalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن