Chapter 2: My Children

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in the story.

Lord Death POV

I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains. I looked at the clock which read 8:44. Once I got up I went straight to the other bedroom where Kid and Luna were still sleeping peacefully. I picked them up carefully and put them in my arms with their blanket over them.

As I walked downstairs I felt Kid stir a little so I sat down on the couch and gently fixed the blanket so it was tucked under his chin. I needed to fix them their bottles, but I didn't want to wake them up, so I just sat there. After a few minutes, they still hadn't woken up, so I very gently laid them down against the backrest of the couch.

I made their bottles and went to check on them. Luna was almost laying on top of Kid, her arms wrapped around him, and Kid was against the arm rest with his arms around Luna. I smiled to myself and just stood there staring at them. A couple minutes later Luna's arms tightened around Kid and she woke up, and so did Kid. I went over to them and sat down next to them.

Luna rubbed her eyes sleepily and looked at me. I smiled and she smiled back with a little giggle. Then Kid sat up, Luna still laying against him and looked at me as well. I stared at my children. They were both beautiful.

Luna had thick black hair that fell just below her tiny ears. Even though she was still so young, she already had her Sanzu lines. They ran from the middle of the front to the middle of the back on the right side of her hair.

Kid had thick black hair as well, with 8 long bangs falling in front of his face. His Sanzu lines were exactly like Luna's, but his were on the left side of his hair.

The Sanzu lines were really the only difference between them. They both had the same smile, the same giggle, and the same most beautiful eyes. Their eyes, just like mine, were two colors. The outer color was a radiant golden yellow, while the inner color was a darker, almost orangey golden. And they always had the most beautiful shine to them.

I picked them up and sat them on my lap. They both looked at me with curiosity in their eyes. Were they staring at my Sanzu lines? Mine were just like theirs, except mine went all the way around my hair. I couldn't help but grin at them.

I grabbed one bottle and looked at them.

"Hungry guys?" They both just stared at it. Luna reached towards it and clenched and unclenched her tiny fists. Kid just sat there still staring at it.

"Kid, do you wanna try holding it by yourself?" I asked him. He reached towards the bottle, so I took that as a yes. I grabbed the other bottle and gave it to him. He situated himself so he was next to me and leaning against me. I put one arm around him and one arm under Luna as she held her bottle by herself too. My children, already growing up so fast!

When they both finished, I put the empty bottle on the table and just sat with my children. Luna buried her face in my chest and Kid held on to my arm. I held them both and eventually they dozed off. I did as well.

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