Chapter 8: Recovery

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.

Stein POV

I woke up on the couch in the infirmary with weight on my chest. When I put my glasses on and my eyes focused, I saw it was Kid wrapped in my lab coat and the blanket. He had his arms around my shoulders and his head was right below my chin. Then I remembered what happened earlier.

A Kishin had found Kid and almost killed him. When I caught him, he started crying and burying his face in my chest. Then I brought him here, cleaned him up, and he fell asleep in my arms. I smiled at the memory of him sleeping against me.

When I put my hand on his neck, I could feel him trembling. He was cold and sweaty. Was he sick? Chilled? I adjusted him so I could see his face. It was scrunched up and he was on the verge of tears. He was having a nightmare.

"Kid, Kid wake up. Come on Kiddo, you have to wake up!" I said shaking him gently.

"P-Papa!" He yelled as his golden eyes popped open.

"No Kiddo, it's Stein. Papa's working, but I'm here." I said. He stared into my green eyes. I brushed his hair out of his face and smiled. His lip quivered, his eyelids twitched, he whimpered a little, and then came the tears. He jumped to my shoulder, wrapping his tiny arms around me. My arms were still for a moment, but I brought them to Kid's back and head. I rubbed his back and stroked his hair, because that always seems to calm him down. I rocked him side to side for a little bit too.

He eventually calmed down, but didn't let go of me. When he stopped crying and was merely sniffling, I put him on my lap and adjusted my coat so it wasn't so warm on him.

"You're just not having a good day, huh Kiddo?" I said to him, wiping away his tears with my thumb. He looked at me and pouted. He then fell forward so his head was on my lap. I rubbed his back and he hugged my legs. He trembled a little as he sniffled. I gently laid my head down on his back, listening to his heart beat. His sweet little heart. If I had been just a little too late at catching him, I might not have been hearing this right now. I brushed that thought away and sat up to continue rubbing his back.

I looked down at him. He wasn't sleeping, but he wasn't really with it either. He was just staring off to the side. I slowly moved my hands to his lower back, to his knees, and then to his feet, and picked them up so he was upside-down. He squeaked really cutely since I picked him up so quickly. I turned him to face me. He looked surprised. His hair hung down and swayed. My coat dangled off him and rested on the floor. I smiled at him which made him giggle.

"There's that smile." I say to him, smiling myself, which makes him laugh. He reaches towards my face so I swing him gently. I pull him close so our noses almost touch. I carefully let go of one foot so he's hanging by only one foot. He looks at me smiling and giggling. "I missed that smile!" I say to him. I then start tickling his tiny feet , which makes him squeal with laughter. He laughs loudly again and this time his cheeks are very flushed, probably from being upside-down. I gently lay him on the floor so his face is closer to me. He looks up at me and reaches towards me. I roll the coat sleeves up, put my hands towards his and wiggle my fingers, which he tries to grab with his tiny fists. He laughs and grabs my index fingers. For such a young child, he's got a strong grip. I pull him up so he's standing in front of me, leaning on my knees for support.

He looks up at me, head on his arms. He extends one arm towards my face, I think reaching for my glasses. I take them off and put them on Kid. They're really big on his tiny head, so I just hold them up. His eyes are magnified and he looks up at me. I laugh which makes him giggle. When he starts to squint I put my glasses back on me so they don't ruin his eyes. His beautiful golden eyes.

He reaches towards me with both arms, wanting me to pick him up. I lift him and stand him on my lap. He starts bouncing as i hold his little hands. He then stops bouncing and leans forward so we are chest to chest. He quickly throws his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I wrap my arms around his tiny body as far as they will go. After a little bit he pulls away.

"Say, you weren't fed today, were you?" He pouted a little, so I took that as a no. "I'm sure we can find something." I said. I then adjust him on my side to hold him with one hand. As I stood up he grabbed my shirt and held on. Since we had extra clothing for them, I was sure we would have extra bottles and such. I was right. I grabbed one and made it for him. When I held it up his eyes glazed over. He reached for what I thought was going to be the bottle, but instead pulled my arm down. I held it still as he drank greedily. I smiled at how smart and cute he was. He held onto my arm as I held the bottle.

When he finished and was just chewing on the rubber part, I put the bottle on the table and took him into the academy halls to walk around with him. I didn't know if Lord Death had already shown him around. I guessed probably not. I took him into the classroom where I taught. When we walked into the large room, he was amazed. I then decided to take him up to the balcony so he could see all of Death City. When I walked to the edge, holding him tight, I watched as his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened at the view of the city. He spotted Gallows Manor and pointed to it.

"Yup, that's where you live." He smiled. He looked up at me and pointed to it again.
"No, I don't live there. I live over there." I pointed to the large grey building outside of the gate. The building with the stitches. He tried to see it, but I guess he was too short. I carefully lifted him onto my shoulders and held his feet tight. He puts his hands on my head and held on to my hair. After a little bit it was getting dark and Kid was getting tired. I kept him on my shoulders and began to walk towards the infirmary.

"You doin' okay Kiddo?" I asked him and gave his feet a little squeeze.

"Mmmm...." He mumbled. He was probably falling asleep right now.

When we got back, I went to the mirror and was about to contact Lord Death, when I saw Kid had fallen asleep on my head. I laughed to myself and patted the top of his hair. I then dialed Lord Death.


"Hallo! Hi there! Wazzap!" He said when he answered. He looked straight at Kid on my shoulders. "Aw, little Kiddo have a long day after what happened?" He said.

"Yes, very long. He just fell asleep on the walk back from the balcony."
"Okay, I'll be there in a minute to take him home."

"Okay, see you then." I said as we hung up. I gently took Kid off my shoulders and cradled him in my arms. Right then Lord Death walked in with Luna in one arm. He looked exhausted.

"If you'd like sir, I can carry him home with you."
"Yes Stein, I think that would be a lot easier. Thank you."

We walked to Gallows Manor, Kid still sleeping in my arms. About halfway home he started trembling a bit. I moved him up so his head rested on my shoulder and put his small black blanket over him. Along with the extra clothing and bottles I kept for the children, I also kept blankets for them. I liked to be prepared for whatever they might need. His arms hung over my back and held tiny fistfuls of my shirt. I slowly rubbed his back as we walked.

There was still some damage near the front of the house, but nothing serious or dangerous.

We walked into the Manor and up to Kid and Luna's room. Lord Death set Luna down, and while he was adjusting her, I whispered a goodbye to Kid and softly kissed his cheek. I then gently gave him to Lord Death, who kissed his forehead and set him down next to Luna.

"Thank you again Stein."

"No problem sir. Anytime you need me to watch him."
"Well... I was wondering..."

"Yes sir?"
"When I am at the academy, would you mind watching Kid all day?" Watching Kid all day? That's my kind of job!
"Of course sir, anytime!" I said trying not to sound too ecstatic.

"Oh good! Thank you Stein!"
As we walked out of the room, I took one last glance at sleeping Kid. See you tomorrow Kid.

When I got back to the infirmary to gather my things to go home, I noticed something on my desk. A picture of Kid sleeping in my coat on my chest. My arms were wrapped around him, his arms were around my shoulders, and we were both under a blanket. Spirit must have taken this picture. I smiled down and carefully put the picture in my pocket. When I got home I made a copy and framed one and put it next to my bed. I sewed the other to the inside of my coat pocket, so I'd never forget this.

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