Chapter 20: My New Normal

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.

Earlier the same day

Luna POV

This is it. My last walk with Kid and Papa. We were walking to meet up with Stein at the gate. When we arrived, we said our goodbyes. Kiddo took it really hard. He was really upset. I promised him I would be back, then kissed his hand and put it on his heart. Then he promised he wouldn't forget. I kissed his nose and turned around to go with Stein.

I took his hand and squeezed it as tears slowly ran down my face. When the gates closed I heard Kiddo's screams from the other side of the tall gate doors. I winced at the sound and more tears ran down my face. I hated to hear Kiddo so upset. I had never heard him like this though. It made me sad.

We got to Stein's door and I broke down. I fell to my knees and put my face in my hands. Stein kneeled beside me and rubbed my back. I threw my arms around him and cried into his coat. He then took his coat off and wrapped it around me. He picked me up and held me with one arm, and with the other grabbed my bag.

We went inside and he set the bag down by the door. Then he sat down on the couch with me on his lap laying against him as he just rubbed my back slowly and ran his fingers through my long ebony hair.

"This won't be forever Luna. The Kishins will lose their track and we will go back to normal." He said softly. I knew it wouldn't be forever, but without Kiddo, it would certainly feel like it.

Later Stein showed me to the spare bedroom he had fixed up. I put all my clothes in the dresser and organized everything to my liking. I tried to make it look as much like me and Kid's bedroom as I could. When I had finished it didn't look exactly like it, but I was satisfied.

I sat on my bed and started unpacking the pictures I had brought. I set them up on the table so I could see all of them. Then I saw something at the bottom of my bag. It shined. I took it out and saw that it was a small rectangular box wrapped in shiny black paper. There was a note on it which read, "Happy Birthday Lu ♥ from Kiddo-Kun". I held the box close. Then I put it on my dresser for when it was my birthday. I wondered if Kiddo had found the gift I had left for him. I had put it under the table in the living room. I had seen in a shop a few months before, and just knew he would love it.

I looked at the pictures I had just set up. I had brought all of them except for one. I left one of my two favorite ones back home for Kiddo to keep by his bed. It was of the two of us with our arms wrapped around each other. The other favorite one, the one I brought with me, was a picture of Papa, Spirit, Stein, and Kid and I. It was from the time Papa fought the Kishin when we were 2 and we stayed with Miss Marie. I held it close to my chest and walked to the living room. I sat on the couch and looked at the picture.

I remembered all the times Kiddo and I spent together. All the times we smiled and cried and been with each other. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I know, I'm in bed with the picture next to my pillow. I looked out the window at the stars. I knew Kiddo and Papa would be doing the same thing, which made me feel closer to them. I mentally told myself, "I'll come back Kiddo, and when I do, the whole world will be perfect. People will be happy and no one will be sad or get hurt. Everything will be balanced." Then I crawled back into bed, kissed the Papa and Kiddo in the picture, and went to sleep.

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