Chapter 10: Sleep-Deprived

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.

~2 years later~

Lord Death POV
It's been about 2 years since the Kishin incident with Kid. He still has occasional nightmares about it, but they're not as constant as they used to be.

Both Kid and Luna are 2 ½, and their speech is much improved. Stein still watches Kid during the day, which I think they both enjoy very much. Kid just loves Stein. His face always lights up when he sees him. It's absolutely adorable.

I haven't seen any Kishin activity, which makes me curious. Are they planning something? Are they going to attack Death City all at once? If that happened, would my students be ready to fight? As the founder of the DWMA, I want to push my students into becoming the best they can be, for this is what they have trained for. But as a parent, I want them to stay back and not get in harm's way. I would never forgive myself if my students or Death Scythes were seriously injured in in battle.

I go into Kid and Luna's room to see them snuggled up against each other. I smile and fix the blanket so it covers the both of them. I lean down to kiss Kid's forehead, but feel that he's cold and trembling a little. I gently pick him up and put a pillow next to Luna.

I took him into my bedroom and laid him down on the bed. I kneeled down next to the bed and stroked the top of his hair. Was he sick? Cold? Having another nightmare? I didn't know what was going on. I was getting worried, so I tried waking him up. Finally he revealed his golden hues. Except, they weren't so golden. His eyes were dull and grayish. He had dark bags under his eyes and his cheeks were flushed. From just one look at him, I knew what was wrong with him. He was sleep-deprived.

He looked at me, his fatigue-ridden face pouting. I stroked the top of his head again and kissed his forehead. I picked him up and cradled him, my hand on his cold little cheek. He reached up and grabbed my arm to pull it down to his chest. I slowly rocked him as he immediately fell back asleep. He clutched my cloak and I tucked the blanket under his chin. He had had a rough 2 years, now he just needed to sleep it off.

After about a week straight of sleeping, excluding baths and feeding him, he was back to his smiley self. His soul was a bright, glowing blue, and his eyes were once again radiantly golden.

However not everything was back to normal. This was not about Kid, it was about a Kishin. Ever since Kid's first encounter with a Kishin, there have been no signs of any threats from any Kishin. This could have been interpreted in many ways. Mainly, there could be no Kishins around the city, or they could be planning an attack. Either way, we have to keep a close eye on them.

Or else things could take a turn for the worse.

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