Chapter 19: Pain

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.


I watched as Luna walked with Stein out of Death City. Well, that's it. She's gone. My sister is gone. I kept my hand to my heart, because that's where she said she was. I just stared at the gate. I didn't blink. I didn't move. I just stared. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I fell to my knees. I whimpered. I cried. I sobbed. I bawled my eyes out. I slammed my right fist on the ground, crying out, "LU! COME BACK LU! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME LUNA, COME BACK!!" I slammed my fist on the ground until I felt a sharp, shooting pain.

"AH!" I cried, and looked up to see my hand was bloody and cut up. There was a broken piece of glass and I had been slamming my fist on it. But I was so sad and angry that I hadn't noticed. Papa ran over to me and tried to pull me up but I refused. I put my head on the ground and just cried. He just kneeled next to me and rubbed my back. I heard him softly crying too. I didn't care about the pain in my hand though. I cared about the pain in my heart. And now there was no Stein either to fix them up.

I stayed on the ground with my left hand on my heart and my right hand under my shirt to try to stop the bleeding. Then I felt something land in my hair. Then I felt it again, then again, then again. It had started to rain. Papa pulled me up to my feet and held me close. I leaned into him, my hands still on my heart and under my shirt.

We started to walk home. Papa walked into a store on the way to get an umbrella, but I stayed in the rain. I didn't care if I got soaked. Luna and I used to dance in the rain. When her hair got soaked she looked so pretty. Now I won't see that.

I walked next to Papa, keeping my hands where they were. I felt water drip down my face, unsure if it was rain or tears. My hair was drenched and plastered to my face. My shoes were filled with water and my legs were chafing. My shirts were bloodstained all the way through. I looked like I had been shot through the heart. That sure is what it felt like.

When we got home Papa took me to the bathroom and set me on the counter. I stared down at my lap. He took my hand out of my shirt. It still hadn't stopped bleeding. He ran it under lukewarm water, then cleaned it with the peroxide. I winced as the peroxide cleaned the cuts. Afterwards he dried my hand and wrapped a long white bandage over it. I couldn't even see my hand anymore. It was just a big ball of bandages. He took a towel and dried my hair, then helped me take off my soaking wet clothes. He got me dry pajamas and helped me into them. When he was done, I still stared at my lap. Papa picked up my chin so I was looking at him. He cleaned my face with a warm washcloth and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. Then he just hugged me. Afterwards he kissed my forehead and went to go get himself into dry clothes. I went into the living room to lay down.

I went on the couch and laid down. I was about to close my eyes, when I thought I saw something glimmer. I looked again and saw a shine. I went to where it was coming from. Under the table was a small box wrapped in shiny black paper. A little note was attached to it.

It read, "♥Happy Birthday Kiddo-Kun♥ love from LunaMoon". My heart broke a little. LunaMoon was what I used to call her sometimes. I took the box and held it close to my heart. I went up to my bedroom. When I entered, I looked at her empty bed. It was still messy from earlier. It made me sad to think that just 3 hours ago, she was here and we were normal, and now she's gone and we're all depressed.

I put the box under my pillow and sat in Luna's bed. Everything smelled like her. I buried my face in her pillow and covered myself with her blankets. I stood up on the bed and went to slide off but instead got tangled in the blanket and fell against the headboard. I heard something drop so I rubbed my head and looked down. There was a picture frame upside down on the floor. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of Luna and I. We were holding each other in our arms and smiling ear to ear. I ran my fingers along Luna's face. We looked so happy. I smiled a little and put the frame back. Papa came up to see what the noise was about.

"You ok Kiddo? I heard a crash." He asked me.
"Yeah, I just fell." I said emotionless.
"Ok. How's your hand?"
I shrugged. Papa sighed sadly and came over to me. He sat next to me and put his arm around me. He rubbed my forearm and pulled me close. I put my bandaged hand on his lap and he put his hand gently on top of it. I leaned my head in and he gently kissed the top of it. We stayed like that for a while.

"Are you hungry Kiddo?" I shrugged again. I didn't really feel like talking. "How about I just make some soup and you can have it when you feel like it." I nodded and we went downstairs. I set at the table with my chin rested on it and my hands laid out in front of me. When the soup was ready Papa put it in a small bowl with a spoon and placed it in front of me. I picked my head up and put the spoon in my hand. Papa watched as I took small spoonfuls of the soup. I wasn't really hungry, but I didn't wanna be hungry later.

I finished the soup and with both hands, put the bowl in the sink. Well, I was about to, until it slipped from my bandaged hand and shattered on the floor. I wasn't sure if it was from guilt of breaking the bowl, or from just missing Luna, or even just feeling sad, but I burst into tears in front of the broken bowl. Papa rushed in and looked at me. He ran to me, turned me around, and made sure I wasn't hurt. Then he pulled me into a hug.

"Shh, it's alright Kiddo, it was just a bowl! It wasn't your fault, your hand is hurt and it just slipped off, that's all. No harm done. Are you hurt?" I shook my head and held him closer. I sobbed into his cloak as he rubbed my back and patted the back of my damp hair. I sniffled and coughed a couple times, then my crying slowed to just whimpering. Papa carried me to the couch and sat me down, then went to go clean up the broken glass. I thought about the bowl and how much my whole body felt like the bowl. Like I had fallen apart.

By this time it was dark out and the moon was up. Papa sat down on the couch with my head resting on his lap as he rubbed my back. It was just me and him now. We were both going to have to protect each other.

Later that night I was in my room with my head resting in my arms on the windowsill. I stared up at the sky. I thought of Luna looking up at the same stars I was. That made me feel like I was closer to her. Then I went into Papa's room where he was doing the same thing. After some more stargazing we went to bed. I thought about Luna and how angry I was that she had to leave. I hated the Kishins. I know everyone did, but I hated them more than anyone. I mentally talked to Luna.

"Don't worry Luna... I'm going to make this world balanced, so that there is no more pain. Everything will be perfectly balanced and we will go back to normal. I promise."

I think we both had trouble falling asleep on that Luna-less night.

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