Chapter 4: Danger Lurking

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in the story.

7 months later
Lord Death POV
When I woke up, Luna had tiny fistfuls of my shirt and Kid was snuggled up against me with his little head resting on my arm.I gently stroked his hair while he slept. 

After a little while of just lying in bed and relaxing, Kid woke up. He picked up his head and rubbed his tired eyes. When his eyes focused and he saw me looking at him, he smiled and giggled a little.

"Good morning Kiddo." I whispered to him. He giggled again. I laughed a little myself and kissed his forehead. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me. Even with his head turned, I could tell he was smiling. He then crawled up above my shoulder and put his head on top of mine. He was always so affectionate. I hoped he'd always be like that, though growing up with Luna I have no doubt.

Soon after, Luna woke up and looked at us. She smiled and I kissed her forehead.
"And good morning to you too!" I said to her. As soon as Kid saw she was awake he crawled over to her.
"You hungry?" I asked them. As soon as I said that their eyes widened. "I guess you are!"
I picked them both up and carried them downstairs. I set them down on the couch so I could get their bottles ready. But when I went into the kitchen, I felt something strange come over me, like something wasn't right. I checked out the windows to see if anything was going on outside, but so far I hadn't seen anything. However, when I checked the back window, my heart dropped.

There was a Kishin outside.

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