part 2:A bad dream

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My story begins when I was A young child. Then, as now, i lived in the castle with my father, the kindest man on the earth. My mother, a styrian lady , died soon after i born. A Swiss woman, Madame*perrodon, was employed to look after me , her round, smiling face was always at my side,.
younger lady, Mademoiselle De Lafontaine, lived with us, she was my teacher, she also joined us for dinner. Madame perrodon speak French and a little English, Madameoiselle De Lafontaine spoke French and German.My father and I spoke English too. Visitors laughed at all the languages at our dinner table....
I have one terrible memory from when I was A child .i have never forgotten it because my life changed that night, i will never forget it . It may seen unimportant to you now but it plays a part in my story.

I was six years old. My bedroom then was on the top floor of the castle, under a steep roof . One night , I woke up suddenly. I looked around the room for Madame perrodon .she was not there , but I was not frightened. I knew nothing of Monester and ghosts in those days. When a dying candle made strange shadows on the bedroom wall, to me it was pretty. But I was unhappy because I was alone, I began to cry....
Suddenly, I stopped in surprise. There was someone next to my bed-a lovely young lady with a serious face . she touched me softly with her hands and lay next to me on the bed . then she pulled me towards her smiling, I felt warm and happy, and fell deeply asleep. In my sleep I felt two sharp needless go deep into my neck . I woke and cried loudly. The lady moved back .she kept her eyes on me, and then quickly disappeared under the bed....
Now I was frightened, I cried out again. I screamed .Madame perrodon, Mademoiselle De Lafontaine and two servants ran out into the room.
They listened to my story and held my hand .
'It was nothing, my dear child; they said.

But it was not nothing, and they knew it, their faces were pale and worried as they serched the room they looked under the bed and in the cupboards. Madame perrodon spoke quietly to a servant, but I heard her words .
'Feel the bed here- someone was here; she said.'the place is still warm;
They looked at my neck but they found nothing there .Madame perrodon, Mademoiselle De Lafontaine and one of the servants stayed in my room all night , from that time, until I was about fourteen, there was always a servant there with me .something new came into my life that night__ terror. And it still lives with me now .
'Do not be frightened;my father said to me.'it was just a bad dream. Nothing is going to hurt you;..
Later that day , I had another visitor . an old priest came into my room with Madame perrodon. His hair was white and he wore black clothes. He had a sweet, kind face . He spoke quietly. I listened and remembered his work, and from that time I often repeated them at my bedside, before I went to sleep...

First part was too short but it was beginning so I think this part was longer and sorry for any mistakes.........

Wait for another part and please like &comment and tell me your ideas what do you think happening next :) ?

And love u all ♡♡♡♡♡♡

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